You say “lol,” I say the very first image shows him in a beautiful club collar, which would have been unknown in slave-owning America, a fact which one doesn’t even need to be very good at Google to figure out.
You say “lol,” I say the very first image shows him in a beautiful club collar, which would have been unknown in slave-owning America, a fact which one doesn’t even need to be very good at Google to figure out.
No, he doesn’t. He dresses like an Edwardian which is decades AFTER slavery was abolished.
Sadly he is but I mainly use him for sinus infections now. Also, your user name is EXCELLENT. That is my favorite Smiths song.
64 Dems in the House of Representatives sent the letter, 52 Senators voted for the bill.
More likely a direct descendant of a smallpox blanket
While you are absolutely right that DC usually posts fake crappy gotcha type satire, they also wrote “Rick Santorum had Grindr on his Phone Because He Swears He Thought it was a Coffee App” and that is the best headline ever.
Because family court judges aren’t supposed to send kids to juvie. They don’t even have the jurisdiction to send kids to jail. The kids aren’t parties to the divorce.
Another really good option is realizing that nobody cares if you send out engagement announcements.
At this point maybe this should be the new flag
And if I’m not ungreyed after I photoshopped an ibex for you people I just give the fuck up.
I tried Beggin’ Strips once.
If it was a choice between letting them drive drunk and leaving them on the side of the road, you’re damned right I’d leave that baby there. It’s for their own good.
Haha my mom did this, in a minor fashion. My brother was throwing a typical 4-year-old tantrum and she told a store clerk, “Ma’am, this little boy is bothering me,” as if she didn’t know who he was.
Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.
This isn’t about you.
I had an English teacher once who used to say "the guilty dog barks first." I tip my hat to him for giving me the perfect saying to encompass this situation.
This is kind of fucked up, right?
Elliot Rodgers wrote a 140-page manifesto explaining that he went on a killing rampage because of his extreme hatred for women, and people not only widely refused to believe but also got very angry at any suggestion that his actions were motivated by misogyny.
Lol! People are dying and all you can think about is how rich you are. What a weirdo