Oh, boy. Someone mentioned how the homosexual agenda!!1! was targeting businesses that wouldn't serve gay marriages or causes only to shame them when they declined to provide a service the other day. So, uh. *points to this*
Oh, boy. Someone mentioned how the homosexual agenda!!1! was targeting businesses that wouldn't serve gay marriages or causes only to shame them when they declined to provide a service the other day. So, uh. *points to this*
“Does thou even lift, my son?”
Look, good christian children should only have to do exercises inspired by the bible. Like dodge ball. Which is just stoning without rocks.
"I don't understand why women just don't TELL men they aren't interested."
Gotta burn down the kitchen where my youngest was conceived!
Wait...kids come out of a place where sex took place. HOW CAN THIS BE
Just burn it all to be safe
Not people: PORN PEOPLE.
Isn't most store bought water just another location's tap water though?
My grandfather was an illegal immigrant. So, so many Americans’ ancestors were. I know illegal immigrants. I would be one myself if it meant I could provide for my children or to escape a situation where we were in danger. These women are trying to go through the legal process and are trying to draw attention to their…
The women, according to Colorlines, “have all been interviewed by immigration officials and have established a credible fear of persecution or torture if they were to be deported.” But some have not been given the opportunity to pay a bond yet to get out of Karnes; others say their bonds are far too high for them to…
meant to appeal to women who have a sense of humor, a sense of history and healthy self-esteem
I can't tell if you're being serious or trying to pick a fight, but yes, that would be the logical conclusion. At least some parts of them probably hate women, they have undoubtedly internalized some of the worst parts of society's narratives about women.
None of us is an island, and we are all part of society. It's distinctly American (and odd) to believe that society does not affect and shape us and our choices.
I don't think satire means what fratbro thinks it means.
It really says everything that, in the author's point of view, "everyone" means men. He doesn't even see women as people.
So from this part: " Here's a quick reality check: everyone — from Bill Clinton to your grandfather to every Greek organization in the nation does the same old stuff, just as they have been for the entirety of human history."
Because nothing screams dignity like someone taking a picture of you without permission in order to portray your life situation as a dire absurdity in contrast with the product they're trying to advertise.
"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint".