
Super cute until 3 days later, when mom removes the batteries in order to preserve her sanity.

You can either pay the workers more or you can pay them more via welfare taxes. either way, its still coming out of you pocket.

Unless it was necessary

I had a beard related thought, too, but not in the literal sense.

And yet my Spinderella biopic continues to languish in development limbo. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF HOLLYWOOD?

I'm writing a dating guide by straight women for straight women. It will be called A Lifetime of Loneliness and Celibacy: WORTH IT.

Oh dear. Because her ex Sean Penn has such a history of treating women with respect? Dennis Rodman is an ass because he's an ass. Not because he's black.

Dating Dennis "The Worm" Rodman automatically makes your judgment so suspect as to render everything else you say null and void.

Bro- do you see all these people responding to you and saying you were in the wrong here? Are you maybe sensing that this incident reflects more poorly on you than on the flight attendants or airline?

If they really wanted to glorify God they'd segregate the true infidels: seat-recliners.

Why don't they just put women in the cargohold with the rest of the property and be done with it?

I had salmon. Just like every Northern Californian. Time to migrate!

maybe i was early to that party and the sympathy came later but i remember her getting pretty bashed in the comments too

you're only responsible until you make a mistake. And most of you will make a mistake. It may not end up this badly but you will make a mistake.

I love cooking, and one of the best things about being married is having someone else around to eat my food, but it does seem a bit oppressive at times. I like to keep it on an even keel by naming my dishes after famous feminists. Such as my Lucretia Mott Marinara Sauce or Sojourner Truth Spicy Chicken Chili or

Yeah! Stay home and vacation in the good ol' US of A. A plutocracy built on slave labour!

Keep it classy, Utah.

Woman (me!) gets dumped right before Christmas, spends the $60 set aside for ex's present on a really nice vibrator (originally $80 but on sale—must have been meant to be). Two years later, the vibrator and I are still together. <3 <3 <3

To be fair, there's actually a good reason for the "no brown M&Ms thing" and other ridiculous contract riders. They're usually buried way down deep in the contract, and it's an easy way to tell if the venue that you're playing at actually bothered to read and follow all of the contract. This is really important if