
I did not in all honesty read this whole comment. I got to the point where you asked apparently snarkily if I would want Trump supporters to support Hillary even though they have different views then me because that would mean she gets elected and my eyes rolled so far back in my head I fell off my chair and couldn’t

One of my associates recently told me that she really likes working my jobs because she can ask me questions without worrying that I’m going to judge her or make her feel stupid in front of the team. And while it was nice for me, it really bummed me out because of what it says about some of the rest of the managers I

Looking forward to another several years of people who will utterly miss the news today screaming this!

Ah yes, good ol’ Deuteronomy 15:11Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land’ unless they vote Bernie Sanders in which case, fuck em.”

Suddenly Last Summer - By CK

Oh for goodness sake, we are not talking about hiring enough female welders across an entire industry segment in a “given area” to achieve parity. We are talking about finding a very small handful of qualified women for senior positions that we can pull from a nationwide search in one of the largest, most diverse, and

I will read it, but fair warning, imma get a pen out and write angry screeds in the margins at 2AM.

More than 8, which is all she needs for gender equity in the cabinet.

There are 320 million people in this country. She’s going to be able to come up with a decent pool of candidates. Just simmer down over there.

You know, I would love to drop the Bernie bro stuff. But I follow Hillary’s Facebook page and so get to do a daily wade through a teeming ant mill of “true progressives” screaming about how she’s a lying bitch who stole the election from Bernie and that they are voting Trump just to stick it to her, and I just don’t

It was edited. It used to say July 4th.

I have this one hard core berner Facebook friend who does exactly this. He is a Joe Biden super fan who CONSTANTLY talks about how he wishes Joe was running while also constantly posting about how he hates Clinton because she is a corporate shill. He does not see anything inconsistent about this stance.

Didn’t this happen about a week ago and not July 4th? Or have I come unstuck in time?

Interestingly, a few centuries ago, Douglas was a girl’s name. So the way baby naming goes these days, expect that to make a comeback soon.

I dunno, that age gap actually makes perfect sense if the main thrust in this movie is for DAD and the audience to be thinking “girl? What are you thinking here? This guy is a loser.”

You know, I get why people who are ideologically into Bernie want him to “shift her left” from purely idealistic reasons. But everyone gets that this is not going to happen from reality based strategy perspective, right? If someone positioned on the liberal spectrum where Bernie is cannot win in a primary election

There is no law requiring any specific family member pay to cremate or bury grandma. If grandma was an unlikeable harpy, people are fully within their rights not to claim her body at which point she will be dealt with by the state. This abortion law creates an additional effort and financial burden on the family

Yeah, I’m not worried either. The GOT world’s most powerful death cult didn’t just stumble across a Stark and figure “eh, what the hell, guess we’ll train ‘er then.” They’ve got an agenda here that’s WAY more involved then making a little cash killing actresses. I do not actually believe for a second they ever really

I’m an external consultant with some catholic hospital system clients and have had similar experiences. One of my clients starts every single meeting with a sermon. The novelty really wears off after the upteenth time you’ve called someone up to say “what about these third quarter financial results tho?” And they’re

1 in 6 patients in the US are treated at catholic institutions. Many patients aren’t even aware that these massive hospital systems are Catholic, but they are and they have the policies to match. So there you are.