I'm pretty sure that was actually hedge fund bro shade at his investing prowess rather than an indication it's haunted.
I'm pretty sure that was actually hedge fund bro shade at his investing prowess rather than an indication it's haunted.
Yeah, it made sense to me too since I have anemia issues. When I was pregnant, I totally did the whole chewing down on raw meat in the kitchen like an addict thing like in Rosemary’s Baby.
I remember reading in college that Victorian women would often go to butchers shops and drink bulls blood as a cure for cramps and just loving that. You know, just some fun lady drinks time.
Short answer: No.
The US has a regulation called Title IX that is designed to prevent discrimination against women in higher Ed. Universities have a responsibility under Title IX to not only investigate rape but put in place procedures designed to prevent rape. And they can be held liable if they don’t. Even if you have no allegations…
As a woman, I’m perfectly fine with “being harmed” for a while by too much support for rape victims. It’s such a novel change of pace to being harmed by too little. Let’s just try it for a while and see how it goes!
Me too! That’s some epic fishtail skills.
This is hands down the most interesting thing I’ve read all day
You can try to claim there’s an equivalency here, but if you look at the media run down of the debate, I am FAR from the only person who reacted negatively to those types of moments and it is hurting him. He needs to get this tone in line to win (although he won’t).
I personally was annoyed at how it kept coming back to deranged lunatics. There are TONS of gun deaths on this country that have nothing to do with deranged lunatics and everything to do with the fact that it is simply very easy to kill people with a gun. We are the only country in the world that has both weekly gun…
Yeah, I’m like 3 glasses of wine in because that’s how I roll on debate night, but that one had my head hitting the desk pretty hard. Really? No mention of planned parenthood but we have to hear about who Hillary and Bernie pray for? OH.em.gee.
Fucking chard. Why are you trying to co-opt rainbows, chard? I banned it from by CSA box and never looked back.
Oh I have PLENTY of more substantive critiques, trust me. This particular thread is about his attitude though, and I’m sorry, but he is condescending as hell in this debate. It’s not just his finger waving, it’s the side eye, it’s calling her things like “dramatic,” it’s his way of discounting her view by saying…
Bernie actually just yelled “excuse me, I’m talking!!!” over her while wagging his finger at her. I can’t even imagine what the Internet would look like if that had been Hillary who pulled that sort of condescending, aggressive, behavior.
His 90's congressional campaign also significantly benefited from the NRA spending tons of money on ads supporting him, but apparently that sort of thing is fine when it’s the NRA and just evil incarnate when it’s George Soros.
Ok, I’m with everyone on the outrage, but, um, can we back up a bit to the parsley part? Wut? Hold on a minute, I’ve gotta go increase the search count for “how does parsley cause an abortion?”
Yeah that was weird. If you’re going to go with stylish glamorous people whose love of conservative traditionalism is so extremly to the right they end up in fascist territory, you totally go with The Duke of Windsor.
Yeah, they got me too. Fuck it, I love thin mints and get teary eyed at cute little business boss girls and I DO need something to get me through my office job while dreaming about my fashion career that never happened.
Here’s her voting history. Block out the name “Hillary Clinton” from your head and read it. If you are a liberal, you’re going to find yourself nodding along to a good 90% of it. Sure there’s some stuff you won’t, but that happens with every politician. I mean Bernie supported a plan to dump vermont’s nuclear waste on…
Can we kill this notion that Hillary is conservative already? She just simply isn’t anywhere except the fever dreams of Bernie supporters. She’s more liberal than virtually the entire rest of the Democratic Party, so I honestly don’t know why people who don’t think she’s liberal enough are even in that party. Seems…