
Yes it is. It’s also a reference to the fact that a plagiarize all my jokes.

Yes. A big part of Eddie’s character is that she is just a relentless cultural appropriator who gloms onto any half baked Asian/Indian/hippy stuff so she can seem cool. So I can TOTALLY see them making a joke here with her supporting a Japanese designer who is actually a ridiculous fraud. That’s why I’m reserving

We're all making fun here, but jokes aside, Cacao is pretty legit. You should go, they have tasty things.

“You guys, let’s take this herring and pour lye on it till it’s like jello or something. Yeah I know lye is poisonous, we’ll wash it off after.”

That is just the weirdest non apology. “I was trying to say that Carly is trying to appeal to women based solely on stereotypes rather than substance, by the way, according to my own hackneyed vision of marriage cobbled together from comedians of the 1950s, wives are always right and mine says vajayjays are vulgar.”

I'm going to ignore the whole substance of your post because I am fan girling out about your AWESOME user name over here. OMG, love!

Eh, I'm not gonna lie here. I'd hit it.

I can’t believe the admirable restraint shown in not calling it something like “choklad”

Portland people gonna Portland.

Real talk: was ANYONE actually buying this chocolate for a reason other than it has nice packaging? I mean, I’ll admit I bought a couple bars once and it was totally because I got suckered in by the nice packaging.

No one likes their parents when they're 15

My husband’s heritage is German and his last name is German like you wouldn’t believe, so it goes pretty well. A lot of the traditional German boys names are pretty awesome!

There’s a kid named Anders in my kid’s preschool and I’ve always thought it was a nice name. Sounds traditional and classy and totally offsets the fact that that particular kid is a sugar hopped maniac goof ball.

If parenthood has taught me anything, it's that there's ALWAYS someone around to judge you and point out how you're failing.

Those are both traditional names that come from people’s heritage tho.

Totally. My sons get asked about their “girlfriends” and told they are “lady’s men” all the time. We’re talking about two people who have barely grasped the concept that mommy doesn’t have a penis. Can’t we just wait a few years before we start forcing some heterosexual courtship nonsense onto their attempts to play

I have two very young sons and live in a very liberal city and its really been eye opening just how casually people put these beliefs on very little kids. My 3 year old will hug and then push a little girl in the playground and the total crunchy granola hippy mom next to me will be all like “uh oh, someone has a

Yeah, I'm ok with this. It also seems like the people running the program are aware of the race issues and attempting to structure this in a way that avoids racism. There may certainly be problems with how they are doing that, but telling people that Norway has laws against violating women while also making a good

Speaking as a Canadian, this has some pretty strong competition for most embarrassing moment from the totem pole loincloth.

You have a lot of time in your Life after you’ve estranged all your adult children by being an asshole. Really frees up the ol schedule.