
Hope to heck this guy doesn’t get any kind of special treatment from either Tesla or his insurance provider. If you’re in the driver’s seat of a car you need to be looking at the road ahead, not at your cellphone or your dick or whatever. That barrier could have been a schoolbus.

Not a fan of any of these driving aids...self driving, blind spot, lane departure, about teaching people how to DRIVE?

“... hit a set of spike strips going 115 MPH, subsequently barreled off of the road and into a drainage ditch, launched the truck into the air and landed on a car parked at a restaurant” 

Testosterone and lack of frontal lobes.

Yes it is.


Pirates AND ship they rode in on.

Good luck transporting weapons into random countries.

Dude is awesome if the story is true.. but BMW needs to step up and offer him a free UPARMORED bulletproof Beemer. This run-of-the-mill stuff just doesn’t cut it versus 7.62

What difference does that make? What matters (and has safety implications) is what the public thinks it means — not the technical definition.

Maybe those assholes should look up what aircraft autopilot systems are actually for, instead of what they THINK they’re for?

Now playing

Pssssh I managed this back in 2011 with a Raptor....

Too much front brake bias would lock front wheels first, not lift the rear tires off the ground. Any racer can tell you that. This is a weight distribution problem only.

Most probable reason is larger jets have greater wake turbulence. It makes sense to launch a bank of smaller jets first and then wait a reasonable amount of time for a gap and then send the jumbo.

Airlines make the choice of how many seats to cram into a 787, not Boeing. Airlines also have a huge influence on what Boeing designs. And airlines are influenced by the consumer, who votes with their dollars and consistently chooses the cheapest possible flights. We may complain profusely about the resulting comfort

It’s a nice saying but, sadly, almost every F1 race is now won or lost at the first turn.

Dumas you Dumbass

I don’t know that my first reaction to a fire would be to remove my fireproof gloves, but then I’m not a much of drag racing guy. Maybe that’s how it’s done in straight-line racing.

for some perspective on the size...