it looks like BMW i3
it looks like BMW i3
oh, look! a chopper !
somebody give him HIS cookies
oh! a black M3, the drug dealer limited edition again.
didn't watch the video did you?
i cant afford either one so can i get me some wallpapers of this duo? or either one ? please?
Other brands have shown it's possible to make nice with your fans, let's see what they do here.
if you knew a little Turkish i could show you more than enough reasons to support but i just cant translate a whole article for "nobody" sorry..
will US go to war with those MiGs? i dont think so. they are just experimental imho
random info: Poland is the only country that has both F-16's and MiG-29's
no, not in a developing country...
that's a proven lie...
about the syrian jet, there has been many Greek and Israeli jets that flew through our airspace in the past 2-3 years, why no one shot them? ( by the way i don't mean that i wanted them to be shot ) whatever, i need to get some sleep now. get your facts straight and i am sure you will not see the world (or Turkey)…
" Moreover a government paying of IMF debts, relieve country from foreign dependency shameful" you know English very well and you still don't know what he didnt tell you. here are some FACTS for you. from 2002 to 2014:…
i dont believe we will go down that path. he has his supporters but those people are just supporting the powerful one. not his idea, not his i believe we will outsmart and outvote him in the next elections and put an end to this period of shame. i mean, he banned twitter but it will only stop his supporters…
and most of the supporters of Erdoğan think that he totally shut twitter down, it's really like north korean kim jong story. there are people that know nothing about the world except for what Erdoğan says. he is like a prophet to them and they dont listen to you if you try to lecture them yourself... it's a pity to…
that's a different point of view :)
good explanation, pretty accurate. greeting from Turkey
they say allahuekber. in arabic it means god is above all. it's probably the only thing they know. whenever i watch a battle video that includes arabic-speaking muslim countries, it's what they say over and over