the Cestaterra

“this election was hacked/rigged only in trumps favor regardless of who ran against him”

Because replying is all you have.

The only thing that matters is evidence.

This goes in line with the alleged news that it was a disgruntled DNC worker that passed the info to Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan... who also happens to be good friends with Julian Assange.

Also, I should have said, what’s the conspiracy theory? There was a dude named Seth Conrad Rich. He’s dead now. He was shot in the back. It was unofficially labeled a botched robbery, although nothing on his person was missing. Those are all facts. Whether or not he was tied to the leaks is not confirmed, but

Except there is zero evidence supporting this. Does Russia hack us? Sure, everyone hacks everyone. Are they responsible for Hillary losing? No. She lost because she was a terrible candidate, and that became blatantly obvious to everyone when she lost Michigan to Sanders. If you continued supporting her after that

A politician who egregiously attempted to fix the election by sending plants to start fights at Trump rallies does not belong in the White House. The Donald Trump presidency is an unfortunate side-effect of successfully dodging a Hillary Clinton bullet.

Bernie would have been a very ineffective president based on the fact that the House and Senate are controlled by the GOP. I would have been fine with 2+ years of gridlock. At least now we will have lower taxes and reduced regulation.

See this is why you idiots were shocked by this election. The bubble doesn’t allow for truth, it only allows for propaganda...

Eh, maybe don’t fix the primary next time - allow the people to actually choose. Maybe don’t yell at Sanders supporters and tell them to STFU and get in line after you screwed them. Maybe...ah, its all over and done with now.

It would - and is actually - equally naive and stupid to claim it was “The RUSSIANS!” without a shred of evidence to support that claim.

Exactly - no hacks - Podesta’s emails were leaked (like the Snowden intel).

Sure, hacking should be investigated.

This is about a foreign power (the power currently doing everything it can to delegitimize western democracies) trying to mess with our election.

Now playing

The Electoral College is _not_ archaic. It was (and is) a futuristically forward thinking idea put in place to keep population centers from ruling the country. (Hillary Clinton won by nearly 4 million votes in California, so essentially her “lead” in the popular vote was primarily due to that one massive state - which

These aren’t government emails. The DNC is a political party, but not the government. It is a private organization.

RE: The “hacks.”

FOX is only repeating what Assange himself has said for months.

“Nobody cares about 0-60 runs anymore”

Please make a list of all cars you would rather buy for $140k