the Cestaterra

Droids are male, but spaceships are female. The Falcon is obviously a girl ; )

you’re in the wrong place.

Thank you. Most of us are thrilled and proud to be able to provide you our energy resources, and I appreciate that at least one commenter here bothers to learn about SAGD, our very demanding environmental policies, and the safety of pipelines compared to rail or ship.

However, that point is strangely never mentioned in all of the coverage of these protests. So if Obama’s opposition wasn’t as altrusitic as many believe but just helping out ol’ buddy Warren, then there are going to be a lot more hurt feelings to come.

Calling the oilsands the “tar sands” is lazy, biased journalism. As user Joe_Limon noted, oil pipelines already criss-cross the country. Alberta has been implementing stringent carbon policies, the oilsands are mostly using steam-assisted gravity drainage rather than the open pit operations of the early days, and

It’s true. Buffet has a huge stake in the rail sector, and there has been a huge increase in shipment by rail because of these pipelines being tangled up by protesters who apparently want to see the world burn.

The reason why the pipeline was avoided all these years is because Obama’s buddy Warren Buffet supplied the trains to transport the oil. A pipeline is an inherently safer way to transport oil.

It’s fascinating to watch the complete tantrum being had here at Gizmodo over Trump. Are any of you writing here old enough to have lived through a Presidency that you didn’t vote for? Seems not. 

Unfortunately the left (which I call myself a part of) has worked itself up into an even greater frenzy than those on the right who said Kenyan Muslim Obama would have us all living barefoot in a Marxist dystopia.

So Elon Musk made quite a modest positive statement about someone based on merit and because you believe Trump and anyone working with him couldn’t ever possibly do one thing right, Elon Musk, someone you previously admired (I’m assuming that based on your “KILL YOUR IDOLS” tag on this article), must have made some

I thought “fake news” was a problem when it supposedly worked against Billary??? If you’re OK with Buzzfeed reporting this, fine, but you don’t get to bitch about Comey bringing up emails or Pizzagate because it allegedly helped a guy you (and most of us sane people) disagree with... It’s either a problem, or it

Fair enough.

Where’s Meryl’s apology for defending a rapist?

This is the same Streep that gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski, a child rapist who admitted it and is not allowed back in the US. Hypocrytical much?

She once gave a standing ovation to a child rapist and this is what they went with?

I just want people to realize, that every time we said someone’s opinion was valid even if it was different from our own, this kind of crap is the ultimate end result. People have conflated opinions with facts, and now we live in a world where just because someone thinks a thing, that’s automatically valid as being

But the video of her applauding Roman Polanski isn’t.

Also don’t forget St. Obama making a Special Olympics joke.

Big difference between a half way retarded kid from Chicago getting kidnapped and tortured for hours or days, and a criminal being killed or beaten up during an encounter with a police officer.

Good thing we know they can’t be racist, we can bar out this being a hatecrime, because only whites can hate.


Seriously, the left makes me ashamed to be a liberal these days.

Jezebel’s commenters were saying just today that it’s impossible to be racist to white people. The mind reels...

Why did this take so long to get up and why is it buried on Gizmodo?