i think this is written in earnest which is deeply sad to me
i think this is written in earnest which is deeply sad to me
ive been screaming about vegan leather for the last year. ITS CALLED PLEATHER. but whatever marketer came up with that phrase is a fucking genius
how exactly are you defining ‘slaps’ ?
next time she should just get on stage and play the 1.5 hour long podcast where she bashed the me too movement and said most accusers were making their stories up for attention!
how could they DNA test the baby? who would they have to compare it to?
emily hasnt had a healthy baby as a handmaid and true i forgot about janine!
i agree that it makes no sense that june just keeps getting away with it but i think we need to remember that june is not only fertile but she delivers healthy babies. weirdly enough but i feel like the show doesnt put enough emphasis on how important this is
yeah they did a getting doug with high episode. she def smokes pot
i loved ilana’s initial reaction to her results because its a reflection of all jews getting our results “oh, 100% ashkenazi” but i dont think any jewish person from a large community (like ilana on LI or abby on the main line) would be that excited/surprised to have a relative that survived the holocaust. growing up…
everyone should follow caroline moss on twitter (@carolinemoss) she posts families in need of donations all the time and makes donating super easy.
so we’re just going to pretend that full service sex work isnt extremely unsafe???
i am a recovering heroin addict. i know MANY, MANY women who did full service sex work to support their habit. they are always left out of these enlightening experience convos happening in feminist/left spaces. it’s disturbing to me
womens bodies as a commodity is more exploitative then other work and i have no fucking idea how we have gone from “let’s not shame sex workers” to SEX WORK IS GREAT!!!!!!!
jewish women as well who often wear headscarfs instead of wigs.
good take
yes. these are two of the top NCAA gymnasts and Olympic gold medalists. they arent doing this for fame