
I like Yelp. I think its generally a good tool. But I discount the 1 and 5 star reviews and go straight for the 2-4 star reviews. Most 1 and 5 star reviews are emotional and useless (omg, they didn’t serve me my drink timely-how dare they, and the waiter was rude because they didn’t say hi in a friendly enough

It’s a process. We cannot as a society go from gasoline to all renewable electric and all renewable materials in one step. There will be hundreds/thousands/millions of steps. Perfection should not be a justification to stop progress.

Yes, but you can’t solve a problem 100% without getting dirty in the process. Electric cars and batteries are not the end of technology (obviously). Of course there will continue to be technological improvements with regards to battery toxicity. Perfection should not be used as an excuse to stop progress.

And Bernie Sanders Elementary will keep their tax files secret.

Damn, Hillary has a smoking bod... lol

Interesting, but inconsequential for nearly all people. We have this thing called an immune system for a reason. Also, your keyboard/phone has more germs, yet we use those things daily without incident.

Please. The main characters are all still there. This story was never about Ned Stark, the valiant elder son avenging the father (Robb Stark), the mother (Cat Stark)... The story is and has always been about Daenerys, Jon, and Tyrion (and to a lesser but important extent, Cersei, Arya, Sansa, Bran, Theon, Sam,

Maybe. But this next generation is coddled too much. New employees are basically bad because they can’t take criticism and they can’t learn things on their own. They have to be told and given all the answers to everything explicitly.

Not any more than 2 wheelers. You don’t HAVE to use 4 wheels all the time. You can pull it like a 2-wheeler. But having 4 wheels is vastly superior in my experience. I will never go back to a 2-wheeler.

Not any more than 2 wheelers. You don’t HAVE to use 4 wheels all the time. You can pull it like a 2-wheeler. But

No, he got fired for breaking corporate policy. And there is no such thing as a right to a job.

OMG! How dare people express their opinions about someone else’s opinions! The nerve...

+4 (Surface Pro 4 + Pen)

I use hair gel... I must shower daily. Otherwise, my scalp feels crusty in the morning.

Bring rat tails back to the quest giver Elondria for “Greaves of Sauntering”?

Yeah... FFXIV. we are up to what, ilvl 240? 245? as max for some pieces?

Dang, eBay is sooo sketchy!! Why would you buy a gift card on ebay for MORE than the gift card value? lol...

Dang, eBay is sooo sketchy!! Why would you buy a gift card on ebay for MORE than the gift card value? lol...

I get that in Japan slurping is considered OK, even good. I just would not personally do it since I hate the sound. But I also wouldn’t complain about how others Japanese people are slurping. (So they shouldn’t complain about my non-slurping either.)

Not going to apologize for being an American. I put wasabi in soy sauce. Period. I also rub wooden chop sticks to get rid of any wood strands/splinters. If they are going to give me cheap wooden throw away sticks, the restaurant needs to up their game rather than complain about my chopstick rubbing. I’m also paying

Please tell me this is a Kickstarter. Because so many games on Kickstarter have turned out so well.....

I have to agree. Yes, he’s sooo hot. But he also has that killer devious smile that suits the role perfectly.