
I laughed harder at this than I have laughed at anything in a good long time.  Bless you, @avclub-858b67085072a6f2403cf500871f4068:disqus .

"(as one does)" made me so happy.

This is what I got from it when it was said on the show, and I didn't really think about it again until this thread.  Now I do see the crazy, though.


Aww, but Sandra Cisneros….

"the professor was thrown in to induce shit that wasn't even beneath the surface in the first place"
This.  This is spot-on — and in a way, it seems spot-on for this whole season.  Character motivations seem to vacillate between the hugely obvious ("Abed loves references!") or entirely schizophrenic.

Holy shit, I'm as nerdy as they come and have seen all of "Star Trek" repeatedly, and that description of Garth of Izar still made my eyes bleed at the nerdom-per-word ratio.

@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus , I think it's the even films that tend to get the balance right, not the odd ones.

Well, after just skipping the "Betas" pilot offhandedly, that second sentence sure has me rushing to give it a go!

This is the closest I've ever come to figuring out what the whole Dawes meme in these comment sections is about.

I read "Rip Taylor" as "Rip Torn," like, three times.  That was a pretty astounding mental image.

I got a "Pushing Daisies" notification for this?!

Holy shit, that was a good episode.  Thanks for that little moment of memory.

"poly-sci," huh?

I dunno, they always emphasize his beer belly when his suit is off.

Also, I only just picked up on the synergy between my comment and my username.

This is actually the sole reason I'm mourning the cancellation — where will I get my Lynch fix??

@AnneNoise:disqus , I am wracked with indecision as to whether "the bee's balls" is a compliment or not.

I am in so much agreement with Scrawler right now.  I thought Cooper was great in "Silver Linings Playbook" even though I wanted to hate him, but otherwise I've never understood being anything but lukewarm to either of them in terms of both talent and attractiveness.

Aw, this makes me sad since Ruth Jhabvala just died.