
@LuZeke: wow. your wall of text really only gives me one thing to say:

All of American Idiot and only two tracks form Warning? DO NOT WANT

@ssp619: I was beaten to it... here's mine

@godot: In the case of Steam, yes. In the case of retail, the line is blurred. Heavily.

Wait, Bayonetta is on PC?

@hipnotyq: Rugby is an awesome sport to get back into shape. I'm definitely after getting much fitter after starting playing and I haven't even changed my eating habits to a major degree.

@GeneralBattuta: Haze is the Citizen Kane of bad games. It's backed up by decent split-screen and online, but it fails miserably at delivering the single-player experience we were promised.

I watched The Room.

*4 player

Datel is dangerous. They've completely blown the PSP wide open: they can do WHATEVER they want with that system, despite Sony putting a very strong encryption system on their console. I think this could be more than a warning than anything: This isn't about controllers... it's about security. If Datel have


@Luke Plunkett: It's to do with setting up a "hybrid" page, I've set my hybrid to Kotaku\Gizmodo\Lifehacker. That way, I'm presented the three sites on one page. If someone clicks "View my Fusion", they'll see articles from the three websites.

@Transgenic: That's awesome. Especially after Portal 2's marketing used ASCII art so much.

@CaptainPickles: Aye. D2 definitely. I'd say definitely over Portal, but the thing is that Portal really represents The Orange Box in that list.

@AFcakey: "A top ten list should have been made of five games"

*slow clap*

@CaptainPickles: Halo 2 and NFL 2k5? That's not going to be popular.