
The laptop I bought for €450 has 4GB RAM and an i5. It's not an "ultrabook", but it is capable of what the Air is for the sake of being a bit heavier.

Busta Rhymes? oh? that'd be cool but what the fuck is he doing with Chris Brown?

can someone explain to me quickly how this differs much from Google Voice search on my Android? I don't want to talk to my phone like a real person, I just want to bark search terms at it

Hey, hey, hey. Hate for Bon Iver and the Strokes? Hell, even Eminem?

so then why is the 3D nonsense still around?

Geohot led the PS3 hacking movement, producing the first hack needed. The "geohot hack" pretty much paved the way for all further hacks, ultimately ending with the "jailbreak" geohot offered.

Question: why don't people invent a kind of watch strap for the nano that works as an extra battery?

@Lusit: /v/ is practically a younger /b/.

I'm Irish and today is awful. Nothing wrong with going out and getting drunk but everything wrong by doing it in a forced "celebratory" way and getting surrounded by drunk 17-year-old scumbags yelling IRA propaganda as a result.

Resistance 2's beta was actually one of my favourite gaming experiences of all time. The co-operative mode (even in the final version actually) outshined even games like Left 4 Dead 2.

That article made one thing clear. Max Payne 2 really raised the bar.

@Luke: Yeah, and they don't even use these ties over here.

@Rabinowitz: This is one of the few acceptable uses of comic sans. You know, because it's a comic.

@Caturday Yet?: What do you mean, "there was nothing wrong with the sun"? The sun sets.

I could make weird stuff with these PhotoBooth effects on the gen-before-this iPod Nano. Nothing really new here, if the iPad has a camera it's likely to have these effects.

@devianaut: I found the last Kanye album to be rather brilliant. It wasn't the best album or even the best hip-hop album of 2010, but damnit it was pretty damn good.

I do not want nor need NFC.

@Brian De Leon: Erm, Apple has always caught up to others. Apple didn't invent the smart phone, the tablet, the laptop, the mp3 player... It let others innovate and then allowed them to bring out a new product that was better designed. The clunky mp3 players of the time replaced by the iPod, the Macbook to become the

@BiggunSid: Erm, the complaints are for the PS3 and PC versions of Black Ops... Trust me, if I could be on Halo, I would.