
@Kitsune Sniper: Goddamnit, the amount of hours I spent on TVTropes after being linked there once was almost criminal.

Sony Computer Entertainment America Offices

@exion: I love that visualisation. I dunnno why Sony put it there, but it's the best one I've seen in a while.

For some reason this game's name reminded me of the PSP game "WTF: Work Time Fun" (possibly because when I saw this name, all I could think is "WTF?!? oh wait there's a game with that name")

@phicaluk: The Onion was always funny.

□ - Appeal ban.

"Love is just a chemical. We give it meaning by choice"

@DrakeDatsun: Forgot that. now everything makes so much more sense and I look like an idiot.

@Jaikarr: Not really. The Xbox, and most PCs, were x86. The 360 is PowerPC based.

I threw in "Fred".

@thecrisisfromthesky: They're PC developers. They just turn out 360 ports of their games. If they shouldn't bother with PS3, they shouldn't bother with 360.

@gold163 (° д° ): Not having SP3 is madness. This is Windows we're talking about here, and you NEED your security. Get those patches.

@gstatty: Character Map is a lot easier to use than you think. Still though, I was hoping that someone would copy all four and say "I CAN FIND ∆ and □, BUT WHERE THE HELL ARE O AND X"

I've spent so much time on 4chan /mu/ that when I saw "No Line On The Horizon" I was about to post a typical "sage lol 0/10 fail troll" post.

@gstatty: Damn typo. Too late to edit, and besides, I rather like that name..