I wonder if they have Pepsi Perfect there for sale, since NYCC had it.
I wonder if they have Pepsi Perfect there for sale, since NYCC had it.
Honestly when I first saw that episode, I thought it was all part of his plan, and they just added it to help flow with his actions.. but as it progress, the more I saw it, the more it just looked out of place.
I was wondering if this show would get a crossover with them. I mean every Marvel animation currently on the air has crossed over with them so far after all.
I'm kind of curious what type of portal the Tablet version will be using. Probably not the same as the big console version, since those have always been wireless, but I wonder if the 3DS portal coming with this game can be used on the Tablet as well.
Well there always is Sailor Moon: Another Story :)
They already have, its out on the WiiU. Its version of their Pokemon Rumble Blast series. Haven't heard much about it since its a GameStop exclusive.
Now all we need is Sonic playable again, and we can recreate the Archie Sonic/Megaman crossover! With additional players!
Nice to see more folks getting into it! Its a great series :D
Sakura only showed up in Rival Schools as a friend to one of the characters (and she was a secret character iirc), but she didn't show up in Project Justice though.
Right on man! Fight that power!
Oh wow. I was totally wondering when this film was coming out. Thanks for the heads up.
Wait is that Pockie Pirates? I saw the web ad for that while randomly checking a site a few days ago...
Well not only ToS and TotA, but there's the various DS 'Tales of' games, like Tales of Heart and Tales of Innocence that can make it as well! Since they did come out for a Nintendo system :)
..Nightmare Moon?! Damnit! So want!
So owners of the Collectors Edition don't benefit from this? Fun fun.
And I still got my copy of this game! Always fun to load it up and play every now adn then!
Totally need to include this guy [yudhaikeledai.deviantart.com] Especially with the Starcraft/MLP crossover stuff. They aren't half bad.
Wow, yeah. Looking at this video totally reminded me, that I remember very little of this game. I played Grandia 2 and loved it. Made me go out and find Grandia 1 and loved it more... skipped Xtreme, and played 3... felt like a 'upgrade' of Grandia 1 actually... I kinda wish they released Grandia: Parallel Trippers…
Skyhigh! <3! But yes I totally agree its an awesome show :D