
What it also means too is, like Deadpool ($55 million budget) and Venom ($100 million), is that you can do a really profitable movie like Joker ($60 million, so it only needs around $150 million to break even) that people respond to without having to spend the resources of a small country. In an era where studios are

Please everyone show as much love for Pilgrims as possible. I live in hope that with enough support, Amanita will develop Machinarium 2 and keep me from ending it all......

They would be expected to post three “news videos” per day to their site—they were to wear Maven polo shirts in these videos—as well as hundreds of posts per month. The message was clear: Quantity over quality. Prospective Maven “partners” were told by company execs that if they had trouble creating enough content,

Those titles feel like they were written by a new Tom Haverford/Jean Ralphio venture.

Thanks, Magic Johnson.

Ugh, too soon. Take your stupid star, and also this VHS copy of highlights from the 1992 Dallas Cowboys’ thrilling march to the Super Bowl.

“...they fear that one of the groups (“Thanos-like”) will be given pink slips, with the other told it is safe.”

One word: MILFs.

Edelman didn’t elaborate on whether or not Belichick’s balls appeared to be properly inflated.

Given everything we read during the BL3 pre-release, I honestly thought this would be the line in the sand for gamers. Just about everything coming from either 2K or Randy was this perfect storm of everything gamers have been trying to push back against over the past 5 years. Mistreatment of workers, allegations of

He does have the complete package.

Which is a perfect reason to use it en masse.

I remember going to sleep that night that thinking, “Tomorrow morning I’m going to wake up and for maybe 1 to 2 seconds I’m not going to remember what happened, and that that will be the last time for a long time I won’t know how awful this is.” Treasuring that last split second of ignorance helped me fall asleep.

Reading this, I felt not schadenfreude, not anger, but... sadness. Not for Trump, of course—no, fuck him and his minions with a hydraulic press, and then fire the pulpy leftovers into the sun—but for the country. There are so many profoundly stupid people in this country who have blindly followed him up to now and

I find myself thinking that President Trump is not merely one of the worst people his generation produced, but the embodiment of the collective id of that generation. Thin-skinned, venal, looking for someone else to blame and so very, very scared of changes.

Yeah, I was excited to see that happen at the end of FFH, not just to see JK again, but also to get excited that it was the same thing the PS4 story did with Jonah.

If you liked What is a football move?, you’ll love What is “in motion”?!

This is the worst episode of Ballers ever. 

You didn’t storm shit. You stood at a gate and made noise till someone pointed a gun at you. You are fighting the wrong fight. Meanwhile the rest of the world is gathering behind climate change like real fucking adults and not a bunch of spoiled kids distracted by jangling keys.

"At least the fleshlight doesn't drag me to its mother's every weekend!"