I don’t know about you, but I ain’t doin’ shit even as we speak!
I don’t know about you, but I ain’t doin’ shit even as we speak!
Equally, why combine the Punisher logo with red lives matter? Are they going to brutally execute the fire without a trial? It’s messed up that cops like to use it, but there’s a least some way it kinda makes sense there. For firefighters?
What is a red or a blue life anyway? They can choose to stop being a Firefighter or Police Officer if they feel it makes them a target of violence. I can’t choose to stop being black.
this x 1000
These shirts serve an important role in society: They easily identify people you should avoid talking to at all costs.
Just let yourself feel how you feel.
Thank you for this; it provided me perspective I didn’t have, and definitely offers a starting point for some further engagement of my own.
As a human being, I feel some pity for her.
A perfect response from one of my favorite little games.
Great piece. I was lucky enough to have trained at the old World on Main st in SM as well as the new digs he put up down the street on Washington. (Golds in SM was for the spandex and loud music crowd. Joe never allowed music in the gym.) Arnold had a reserved space where he’d park his Hummer. Eddie boutght a new…
Did anyone else farm the parachute guys on the first board to max your health meter right at the start? Also you could play the Commando overhead boards if you were running out of continues for more continues. Its probably one of the earlier NES games that you can beat with endless determination.
I had this game as a kid, and for twenty years I heard people say, “It’s a classic” — to which I would respond: “Only in theory. In practice, it’s bullshit.” Finally got back to it in college (the same week I beat Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!, Marble Madness, and Karate Kid — hell yeah, I’m bragging), and it’s more or less…
If the NFL doesn’t know what a catch is, how could they ever understand a catch-22?
Track: Everything Counts | Artist: Everything Counts | Album: Construction Time Again
+5 point palm exploding heart technique
I've seen that grip a whole lot of times, but never outside of incognito mode.
Your username is ORLANDOMAagic91 but you’re also the type of person that refers to the Lakers as “We”?
But enough about Phil Jackson’s dick ...
Your friend is a genius and nobody appreciates his work