
Trashy fun Vampire Diaries replaced with trashy trash How To Get Away With Murder.

Female viewers, much like queer viewers, often have to hunt a lot harder for erotic pleasure than straight male viewers do.

The way women writers are treated? Are you serious? This is in individual issue. I wouldn't care which writer, of any gender or race, was involved. I'd feel the same.

Literally nobody was attacking Sonia.

Troll a writer? Harassment?

Disliking casual racism = dedicated hater?

That's not even surprising. Sonia racebaits all the time.

Not to ass-kiss or anything, but despite somehow disliking almost all of the shows you're assigned to review - except PLL obviously, because how could anyone dislike that - I still read most of your work.

lol @ her Twitter. She posted

You should have put struggles in inverted commas, then I'd have been on board.

I don't get why people are even surprised. Sonia is a person who posted the following story - blatantly from 4chan - on her Tumblr:

I watched it today. Not the worst thing I've ever seen but definitely close.

You're so weird Thurm. Everything about you is odd

From the first link, from the eloquently named Crackrat

he likes soup ~~ xx lol so randum xx ~~ if this show wasn't getting cancelled they could have did funnies about CHEESE (rofl) and PENGUINS lmao

Definitely. I mean, there are other writers on AV Club that I disagree with at times, but at least they're competent at their job.

"But this is tired territory. The terrain of the white male antihero"