
“I’ve lost everything. No matter the outcome of this trial, I’ve already lost. I lost when these allegations were made cause they will stay with me forever. My life is ruined forever,” he said during testimony.

Beyond being an abuser of all sorts Depp is an idiot for dragging his out. The ongoing reevelations have left nothing to the imagination.

Wow. I’m not into Depp or Heard but this post is really irresponsible. Isn’t Heard buddies with noted perv James Franco? She also dated Elon Musk so is she anti-Semitic and racist now? While I 100% believe Manson is as guilty as they come, we know that serial predators like Manson and R Kelly are terrifyingly good at

I agree that the criminal justice system will never get justice for sexual assault survivors without significant changes in who the system is designed for. In this case, Black men at large were punished for threatening Sebold’s perfect white virginal body. In other cases, assaults on less perfect female bodies have

I’m increasingly convinced that Laundrie is dead, having killed himself somewhere out in the woods. A month is a long time for even an experienced backpacker to go with anyone seeing him. Given the notoriety of this case, if he was out on some trail or campground, someone would have recognized him. There’s only so

Incredible just how many passes Brian Laundrie has had. From the police not recognizing a serious case of domestic violence; to the police throwing up their hands when he refused to cooperate (like it’s stopped them from tailing POC suspects before); to the police believing he would just sit tight until they have

Ooh, these seem easy. I want to do one! How about:

So yeah, it’s not “well past time to rethink auteur theory”. Auteur theory is being rethought, and has been for years.

This is what’s referred to as “auteur theory” (as we understand it today), when directors have complete control over their projects and, to that end, are seen as the beginning and end of the product. They are seen as wholly and singularly responsible for—and, as a result, the sole artist worthy of celebration—all

An exception that proves the rule (but I will always take an opportunity to mention her) is Ida Lupino. She worked within the studio system, usually had auteur-levels of control, and used that to make a work that is distinctly identifiable as hers. Of course, few people outside of serious cinephile circles has even

This is what’s referred to as “auteur theory” (as we understand it today), when directors have complete control over their projects and, to that end, are seen as the beginning and end of the product. They are seen as wholly and singularly responsible for—and, as a result, the sole artist worthy of celebration—all

While I agree with the content of the article, I take objection with the way you frame the discussion about auteur theory as something that has never been had before.

I don’t like that there is sexism in the news. I don’t like that media outlets have tunnel vision when it comes to politics. I don’t like that the media in general was directly or indirectly supporting Trump. But Hillary Clinton had no policy positions, at all. If she ever spoke about policy it was co-opted from

Men of Hollywood: What could we have done? Who could we have told? We had nobody to actually go to! See? We couldn’t actually do anything.

“Chronic Lyme” isn’t a thing though.

This is easy - start being honest about why people are getting fatter, which we don’t do. We’re working at the entirely wrong scale. Right now we (collectively) assume the only reason a person would be fat is because of the person. It’s 100% their fault. Or at the bare minimum 90%. The solution is get people to

So, is anyone else worried that this morning’s baseball shooting will be beaten into a rough approximation of our very own Reichstag fire?

I think it’s also worth noting that Brando wasn’t happy about it either. Once the film was done, Brando said to Bertolucci, “I was completely and utterly violated by you. I will never make another film like that,” and then refused to speak to Bertolucci for 15 years. Brando later said in an interview that he “felt