Honestly, the only thing I’ve ever found interesting about his life is that his high school BFF was apparently James Spader. What must that relationship have been like?
Honestly, the only thing I’ve ever found interesting about his life is that his high school BFF was apparently James Spader. What must that relationship have been like?
They’re both Jewish. So? You don’t think they’ve benefitted from white-passing privilege?
Yeah, it’s really infuriating to see feminists fall for it especially.
Plus, the “innocent women” is usually pretty racially coded; WOC never get the benefit of a doubt that a white woman like Maxwell does.
Reminds me of that scene in King Lear where this duke is gouging out his guest’s eyes and one of his servants is just so disgusted that he stabs him to death. That needs to happen more.
The pedestal they put us on is usually a trap.
Oh, I get what you’re saying. I took “deliberately infected” a bit more literally.
Well I used we because I’m an American who benefits from white privilege (I’m Eastern-European Jewish, which is privileged in America, less so in other countries) and wasn’t sure whether saying “they” would be trying to absolve myself of that.
Right, but that’s not the same as what the original comment stated. It was a sneakier, more underhanded method than just injecting men with syphilis.
Maxwell’s father was apparently a nasty piece of work too.
We didn’t actually infect black people with syphilis. The government just found a bunch of black men who already had syphilis and then kept them from finding out that they had syphilis or receiving treatment for it. Which is still pretty horrifying on it’s own.
I get it, but maybe The New Republic was not the right place to publish this kind of thing? This type of humor may work in queer spaces but when you deprive it of that context...
While I’m sure that many of these parents do worry about the children’s health, I think a lot of the stigma against autism comes from the fact that a lot of people view their children as status symbols. They don’t want a “broken” child because it reflects badly on them.
I’m just going to go from personal experience and say that that woman’s son improved because he got older. There’s this assumption that autistic people are perpetually stuck in arrested development and that they don’t age. Which simply isn’t true. A significant amount of autistic people do happen to have intellectual…
She was the inspiration for Benson. Not joking.
Toxic masculinity must be awful for your mental health. It’s the only real upside about being a woman in this society; you’re permitted to have emotions other than rage.
Have you ever seen the videos by Contrapoints? She makes a very convincing case that a lot of these incels are probably suffering from untreated depression.
Fifty Shades is still worse. The first Twilight book is a passable YA book. It just gets bugfuck insane as the series goes on. There isn’t anything redeemable about Fifty Shades though.
What did she crib Grey from? Because there are two BDSM themed movies featuring a powerful dom named Mr. Grey and I don’t know which one she’s more likely to have seen.
Well I’d rather put the blame on the British government and a nasty fungus.