
All kinds of NOPE..

I’m LOVING Star Trek week commenters!

NCC-1701. No bloody A, B, C or D.

You are literally, not figuratively, the first person I’ve come to in the comments who has said they’re looking forward to this in any capacity. And I’ve hit the “Load more replies” button four times.

Hmmmm, let me guess:

I actually like Mindy Kaling, but calling her and Reese Witherspoon “amazing actresses” is a big stretch.

Oh you rebel. Are you going to tear the labels off your mattresses next?

So is a sharpened stick, but I hope an article on how to do that doesn’t show up here too. I am with Cajod....move it elsewhere.

There was a big hullabaloo last month so writers have to post on different sections. Something about losing millions of dollars and going bankrupt.

So how do you exactly become senior writer at gizmodo? Apparently write a contrived overstated piece of bullshit masquerading as a “philosophical”piece touting the irrevelence of a piece of technology in a society thst runs upon it .

Maybe you should have chosen a popular career. As a journalist, specifically A TECHNOLOGY journalist, you seem to have trouble understanding how or why technology works. This was like reading an article by a high school student who doesn’t yet grasp everything that goes into a product. The fact that you’ve never met a

I had to read the whole article to make sure this wasn’t a joke. I am confused as to why you posted this article on a tech site when you seem to know so little about tech (like the difference between a green text and a blue one and how it can actually save you $20 a month).

“Seems like all these Apple products cost twice as much as the other stuff,” You’re crazy. The iPhone cost is the same as any other flag ship or “the other stuff”. You don’t need cable, you don’t need the internet, you don’t need a telephone, and you don’t need electricity. These are all conveniences of modern life.

You don’t need a jet ski either. Jet skis are for the entitled. Why not donate that money to the downtrodden masses you are always saying the rest of us ignore. Share the wealth!!!

Sure, guy. You show me a philosophy book that allows me to play Mario...

Please keep the leftist Gawker political crapola off Gizmodo.

Even if her role is just verbal sparring for 5-10 minutes with Diana Rigg, that would be excellent.

Angela should fit right in... “Murder He Wrote” is a very fitting alternative title for Game of Thrones.