There are 397 million outstanding shares of Goldman Sachs. Even if you pulled that off, you would not have a controlling majority.
HamNo wants to be Matt Taibbi so badly....
And is promptly criticized by people who grew up and live in Brooklyn, which hasn’t had a wild grizzly in 400 years. TERM. LIMITS.
the freakish offspring of a Labyrinth creature and Sully from Monsters Inc.
Or just reverse time and save her before she dies.
No evidence. None. Not one shred. Run with it? Yup! We’re The Concourse! Truth be damned!
Best thing I’ve seen all week
No, Donald Trump is our next president because of articles like this. But go right ahead and keep shooting yourselves in the foot.
Alex Pareene’s career is officially the biggest joke in ‘journalism’ now.
You may want to further improve your credibility as a fucking journalist by fucking eliminating fucking profanity from your fucking stories.
Cultural appropriation. You know, when it is convenient for my flame war argument.
I once held a meeting entirely in the third person.
Saw this in a porno once.
I wish I could get excited about this, but I am so tired of Marvel comics being promo material for their cinematic works.
He yelled at the President Elect of the United States. What Fox News reporter ever yelled at Obama? I guess I should expect a juvenile like you to think that is acceptable behavior.
Deadspin, CNN and BuzzFeed fall for Reddit hoax. More fake news at eleven.
I need one of those popcorn eating memes right now.
So brave! I support this primate choice of lifestyle!
Beat me to it.