The elevator review of Sucker Punch is just that it’s a misogynist’s idea of feminism, and a 13 year-old’s idea of sexy.
The elevator review of Sucker Punch is just that it’s a misogynist’s idea of feminism, and a 13 year-old’s idea of sexy.
I mention this elsewhere in the thread, but ideally Catch-22 should be adapted by Stoppard and filmed by somebody good with theatre adaptions. It’s the vaudevillian futility of Absurd that always gets lost.
I think the key to adapting Catch-22 is recognizing that while it is a satire and a war story, it fundamentally belongs to the Absurd. It’s got more in common with Beckett & Stoppard than M*A*S*H.
The Green Album is packed with solid jams. I don’t understand its exclusion from the Best-of era.
Exactly. People forget that the original Matrix was a zero-buzz left field phenomenon. The marketing tag line was literally “What is the Matrix?”
It’s SO weird to me that this is a thing. First, it’s just common sense. Second, this is a staple move for any dude that’s a bit overweight but not quite officially fat.
What perturbed me about the reaction is that not liking the ending is not the same thing as thinking they didn’t have a plan for the ending. They did have a plan; you just didn’t like it. And if you think that “it was purgatory all along” was the answer, then you also weren’t paying attention.
Paul Weston is a fascinating character, and as a therapist he may have done some good, but yeah the ethical violations and the sense he’s always about his own bullshit doesn’t make him a great example.
Huh, I’ve never thought of B&W as gritty realism. For me it’s either the dramatic, severe lighting of film noir or light, dialogue-heavy banterfests.
Sight-unseen my only surface level disappointment is that it’s not in black & white.
Unless. Is your Asian thing really a Dragon Lady or Demure Giggling thing? Is your black thing really a master fantasy? Is your thing for redheads really just a form of Scots/Irish cosplay?
The first letter sounds like maybe the race thing is slightly secondary and what she’s really trying to do is relive the excitement of that first hook-up. The idea of declared “types” kinda makes me queasy, in that it seems like shopping for a vicarious do-over experience at the expense of the person you’re currently…
I was wondering about the intellectual property angle of it as well. I doubt it reaches the level of corporate espionage, but I could totally see a chef getting angry about “spoilers” if they think they’ve developed a unique and interesting presentation.
And if you’re Canadian, Hulu asks you to keep on go fucking yourself.
I will inhale any and all Attenborough-adjacent projects for as long as they are produced. Even that very mild snark about prodding him to wake up sent me into reflexive, irrational rage.
It’s so frustating that no one tries to generate a dekyon emission to resonate in their positronic subprocessors, thereby sending a subconscious message into the next loop.
I got spoiled during my first two sexually active relationships, in that they were long-term and my partners were on birth control and were eager for condom-less sex. But when those relationships ended, I struggled to maintain ... enthusiasm so badly that later partners questioned my attraction to them.
You know it! They went full “Under the Sea.”
A huge mess! I get that they were trying go all Thor: Ragnarok with the tone and visuals, but the plot was just a collection of story beats that didn’t hang together as a story. Wooden dialogue, weak humour, a treasure hunt discovery out of The Goonies, a hyper-destructive Bourne-ish rooftop chase, South Park-style…
The first notes of the Caterpillar’s first song made me laugh harder than anything I heard in 2018.