Boris. Why always Boris?
Boris. Why always Boris?
I know this is trite, nationalist sentiment, but I remember being so relieved that they kept Wolverine Canadian, or at least didn’t explicitly Americanize him. For a long while he was one of, like, three cool Canadian things (Kids in the Hall & Neil Young, I guess?), so losing him would’ve sucked.
I know Handmaid’s Tale is the Atwood adaptation to beat, but the lack of recognition for Alias Grace is pretty surprising. It’s even getting snubbed from the snubs lists.
If The Terror was made 5 years ago, the cast and creators’ knees would have buckled under the weight of its awards. And it would totally have been White British Acting Man overkill.
holy shit that’s infuriating
I have to think it’s an eligibility period thing. It’ll get a pyrrhic nomination next year when everyone has forgotten about it.
Great call on Nathan for You. “Finding Frances”should win best movie.
There’s obviously some sort of radiation attack, the zombies become ghouls, and then a portal into the Fallout universe opens up. It just makes simple storytelling sense!
I agree that basic sexual compatibility needs to established before marriage—dealbreakers like no oral ever, or only on Wednesdays, or you’ll never see me naked need to be disclosed. But I am surprised that Dan so discounts the trust and confidence that a committed relationship can foster.
It needs to be said.
Erinn Hayes should guest star in the pilot
I confess it’s a huge generalization. I think its what masculinity does to a guy when traditional outlets are seemingly closed off. Warrior culture concepts like honour, loyalty and renown curdle in the mind, and ego demands you establish your manhood some other way. Some chickens, some eggs.
I’m old enough to have sympathy for the truly bullied kids—I remember what grade school in the ‘80s was like. I was never really harassed or physically bullied, but neither was I particularly notable; I was just kinda there. I get the feeling that too many dudes who were “just there” feel like they were ostracized,…
Yes! And the idea that “who you are on the inside” is what really matters, even if literally everything you do and say suggests you’re an asshole.
We all assumed that nerds were just ostracized for their smarts and interests, and that once no longer outcasts, they would contribute and adjust to society as equals.
In 2018 the choice of Star Trek is either the Space Adventures of the 1% or Earth Man’s Burden. Whatever model they choose, its utopian feelgoodery is going to be underpinned by unsavory assumptions.
If anything, the relatable story is old friends reconnecting at a wedding or milestone birthday weekend, having a great haven’t-missed-a-beat superficial experience, gradually realizing that your lifestyles, budgets and politics have diverged, then desperately going back to surface-level nostalgia before returning…
I love this game so much. If it had a slightly more lively palette and didn’t glitch into unplayability near the end (PS3), I might’ve never stopped playing it.
But the argument also seems to be an expansion of money=speech to money=labor=art=speech.
I thought the workplace HR plot did a decent job of pointing out that you don’t need to be a monster or even have ill intent to make your co-workers uncomfortable. If oversimplying the issue to “hey, you don’t always come across like you think you do” is what it takes to get more people to understand the non-criminal…