
More marshmallows, please.

For me, it was basically like having a favorite team down 0-3 in a seven game series. The chances of winning are incredibly small, but I have a morsel of hope that somehow they'll turn it around.

I could use my powers that I just showcased five minutes ago to survive this attack from this minion… but I think not!

And why did she see Papa Legba? It's not like she made a deal with him.

Eh. I'll still keep watching.

A second hair salon.

Nah, he was merely venting his frustration for the lack of man ass.

Communication is not Rick's strong point.


He was also in Band of Brothers!

We all have jobs to do!

The mid season finale was pretty much how the Season 3 finale should've been.

American Horror Story maybe?

At that range, Rick and Michonne probably should've died but for the sake of the show they survived the encounter with the red shirts. In real life, if Carl killed the Governor, his allies probably would've fired upon Rick and Michonne killing both of them and stormed the prison.

Roll credits.

"Herschel's death was super gory, but he definitely had his moments to shine this season, especially the last time we saw him, so I'd say he got a heroes goodbye."

"Who would just leave a baby carrier out there like that?"

In order to save the show, the Governor had to destroy the prison.

suffragist infighting / ghostly axe men

The type to stab him instead of use their actual powers?