
Seller didn’t mention anything about a timing belt replacement (nor water pump, despite Rob’s statement otherwise). It’s ~30k or so overdue, and whiteblocks are definitely interference engines.

The Honda Element has always been an amazing example of what happens when you emphasize the U in SUV. Definitely moreso than it’s platform-mate, the CR-V

Mitsubishi 3000GT > Dodge Stealth

1994 Eagle Talon TSi AWD > Mitsubishi Eclipse

US Focus and Mz3 of that period were not related.

67-70 Mercury Cougar over 67-70 Mustang

Eagle Talon over Eclipse and Laser. I don’t know why but it always seemed the better looking of the cars.

I don’t know if this is the spirit of Jalopnik’s question, but I guess they’ll have disappeared from the roads, won’t they?

Or an immortal guy.

Benjamin Hylander

Oh definitely - they are solid little cars except for that abysmal automatic transmission.

Are they on a fuse or a self-resetting breaker in this car?

Here’s why. The Jeep tail gate will almost always have a full sized spare on it. Most streets have a gentle crown from the center of the street to the curb to assist in drainage to the gutters. When parking, your Jeep will be at a slight angle, lower at the curb. As such, and with the weight of the spare, a tail gate

Seriously, even if they didn’t lose a drop of oil tearing apart the engine IT CAME IN BECAUSE OF AN OIL LEAK. What service department wouldn’t top off the oil in that case? Look, people try to get shit like curbed wheels repaired all the time for free so I understand part of the dealer getting defensive, but the oil

You could well be right. The terrible vid shows the resonator going directly down to the rim for installation, but that detail doesn’t mean that how they’re actually attached.

I don’t get the hate for this car. It looks better in person. Yes, it’s brash and insulting. At least it’s different. You can buy this and stand out, or you can buy a Cayenne or a Range Rover and be like every other 5th person in a local Whole Foods parking lot.

As much as I know it’s crude, I’ve always been partial to the OG C4. I remember the first one I saw in Montreal, and I immediately loved its sharp edges. Of course, a car is more than its looks, and I understand they aren’t so good at ride and construction.

The Coriasco Familiare, a custom-made station wagon version of the 127 uses the taillights from the Renault 6. Obscure on top of obscure with a little obscurity on top.

Your post has brightened up my morning so much. I don’t even know why -- those taillights on those vehicles are just so charming.
