
The Celica All-trac was also pretty complex.  I remember the 3S-GTE looking like a bag of snakes when you popped the hood.

My neighbor has that car. If I remember correctly he said that if there is a leakage in the hydraulic system, you may as well replace all the tubes because it’s super hard to find out where exactly the leak is. He then made a face that looked like Hide the Pain Harold.


Can’t believe you forget the Citroën CX (and the SM). Not only were they French, with hydropneumatic suspensions, they used Masarati engines. 

Geely doesn’t own Jaguar (you might be thinking of Volvo). It’s part of Jaguar Land Rover, which is owned by Tata (an Indian conglomerate). Agreed though, it’s highly unlikely that Jaguar Land Rover the corporation goes bankrupt. More likely they sell the brand, or spin it off and reinvent it.

I would have thrown the 3000GT VR4 in there instead of the SVX. But yes, most of the high end bubble era cars were crazy complex.

Even when they are controlled automatically with a thermostat? In my car, for example, you set the thermostat, i.e. “68", and then it uses a combination of blowing warm or cool air, heated seats, or heated steering wheel to accomplish it. Unless you’re being exceptionally picky, you don’t need to manually go press a

Not to mention that no Palestinian under the age of 35 has ever had a chance to vote on their own governance, despite Palestinian calls for, and Israel’s refusal to allow new elections. 

I found the original auction pics. Defnintely not “just a bumper.”

FOUND IT. Yeah, HAMMERED. Still want it, Bradley?

Brodozers can read and write?

Because the entire damn world copied it and now it doesn’t look dumb.

i always thought the F50 looked like the Great Value F40

I STG you guys need to get over the damn Aztek already. 

This has got to be the most boomer of boomer cars ever featured on this site. Its in Phoenix too- a place boomers love to retire to. I’d bet hard cash the owner probably wears one of those tacky Hawaiian shirts with old cars on it, loves Jimmy Buffet, and all other things that boomer dudes stereotypically do.

The gratuitous open garage showing off makes it clear the seller is a narcissistic d-bag. But also, this thing ain’t worth $35k. ND 

I kind of like the original Tiburon, but it got worse;

The “new” Honda Accord looked 30 years old the day it debuted.

Yes, you can track all your accounts, investments, and tag all your transactions to keep track of monthly expenditures in different categories to help you budget. The tool is more set up for investments and strategy than Mint was, but Mint is gone and Credit Karma is an ad-infested dump of a platform trying to sell

If the A/C works you gotta deal. That thing is a cloud on wheels baby!