
I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect GM to kill a profitable badge and tell their customers the GMC reputation for higher quality than Chevy is unearned. That’s just bad bidness.

OK I didn’t read it that way in the blog. Even if the applicant did not intend it that way it’s reasonable for the state to reject that. I am a donkey seller that identifies as male, but I wouldn’t expect ASSMAN to be approved.

I dunno. Is choosing a business name like for advertising purposes against policy? Would they reject MR PLOW?

Yeah as much as Trump disgusts me, FU TRMP should be deactivated.


I kind of like it. It’s like a Volvo Bertone Coupe except better looking and probably a terrible heap of shit.


I read they are doing that again next year because TVR can’t afford dresses.

Modern GM drivetrain swap and i would pay $15k.

No I wouldn’t. But I’d like it a lot more and support whoever bought it.

When I was in college driving from Dallas to Austin I had a fuel pump on my ‘77 Triumph Spitfire stop running unless my hazard lights were on. I never found out why, it went away when I replaced the fuel pump. I still don’t get it though.

yah i think it’s the paint and the batmobile double hump rear deck thing.

i see Jag F Type in the haunches, but i think Jag did it a little better.

or just a tiny tiny bit.


so much innovation.

He then proudly displayed a JanSport full of blue books as evidence that Osama Bin Laden is the mastermind.

To me a Spyker is kind of like Elvis Costello. I respect it but I never really liked it.

It’s a shame those old Grand Prix Formula 1 cars are deathtraps. They look so damned cool.

To be fair, I’m a human and I’m not sure what I’d do if I were surrounded by a pack of dickheads on unicycles.

Or his estate.