
ND, obviously. I love this car. I would assume the AC needs $1500 worth of work. Just recharging the coolant never fixes the problem. I’d pay 11k for it though, even with the AT.

yeah it’s like CR’s definition of reliability is how much a product costs a manufacturer in warranty work. Kias are great if you’re only going to own one for 4 years or less.

Yeah, that has to be the major reason, right? If they aren’t making enough money to be worth fixing, they aren’t going to get fixed. Who is going to bust their ass to give away electricity?

City drivers. They want quick fills too, maybe more so. And there aren’t many spaces to park and wait for a charger to open up. The stations around here in L.A. are some of the oldest in the country.

I haven’t seen an open pump at Costco in SoCal in over 2 years and I don’t even try to fill up before or after work. But I agree with your third point, I do the math and decide whether I want to wait that long to save 8 bucks a tank. I think a lot of people here are still traumatized from the prices last year.

I think you’re right. This isn’t the same problem as 10 years ago. Back then, the fear was that EVs wouldn’t sell and if you invested in a public charging station you might not have enough customers. Now we are getting to the point where there are customers but not enough stations. When new stations are actually in

because if all of the blue people moved to Wyoming, that would turn Wyoming solidly blue. i think maybe you misunderstood put some turbo on meeeeee’s post.

Did they add the last couple of sentences after you read it?

yes, it has. I’m talking about the $7.50 that they are still going to charge, not the part that you pay to the gas station or oil change place or whatever that actually does the inspection.

Yeah it’s a tough question. I don’t think I’m ready to buy a car from the same place my iphone is made, but for me it’s purely hypothetical anyway.

Nope. It’s a shame, because 120v would be fine for the amount of driving I do now that I’ve changed jobs. 

As someone that was alive when the Mk4 was around, I don’t like the new Supra because when I sat down in it I realized I’m too old to be driving a Supra. It’s not Toyota’s fault that I can’t climb in and out of sports cars anymore, but I still blame it for the way the universe works.

As a 50 year old, really the only problem I have with Buicks is they all need 100 more horsepower. If they made even one of their nice little CUVs with 150 more horses, I’d buy one.

ahhhh. i was way overthinking that one.

“Let me be clear, I will aggressively pursue any form of racism, bigotry, hate, or misconduct at the Torrance Police Department,” Hart said at a press conference.”

Well. You could start with the other 11 racist nazis you found working for you.

Seller is out of his vulcan mind. He’s looking for someone else to take the loss on this and I hope it doesn’t work at all.

I don’t get it, but I want to.

it’s been bundled in with registration fees for years, i think it will be enforced.

I don’t have a way to charge an EV at home, but if I did I’d sure be looking at this or the Cross Country variant. It sure is coming in just in time with the right branding and reputation to tempt the people that can’t stomach Musk.

It was a rhetorical question.