
that’s possible, the upkeep on these is exhausting. but i think it’s much more likely that the parking brake cable just never got high enough up on the list. it would have been the very last thing on mine, unless there’s a state that gives a shit about the parking brake working on a car this old. California probably

that’s hot but you and me might be the only people that would cross shop a wagon and a coupe.


oof. i didn’t have transmission trouble but mine was FWD. this thing is AWD with a leak and the internet says those systems are extra fragile. what also stinks about this particular car is the paint would be a selling point for a lot of wagon weirdos like me, but it’s shot. and it doesn’t have the original R wheels.

“However, we expect our vehicles over time will be able to generate significant profit through autonomy.”

subscriptions. he’s talking about subscriptions and the ol’ razor and blades business model.

i owned a 98 S70 T5 and there are a couple of things i’d look out for:

make sure all of the window switches and door locks work. the switch panel in the driver’s door breaks. it’s not difficult to replace with a chinese knock off, but when you find out the lock actuators are also bad, those are expensive to replace or a

i think that’s the point. i don’t hate the idea of this or the Crown. it’s a shame i don’t have a way to charge an EV at home and the Crown is a terrible value.

i’m ok with that. i’m too old to commit to the former, and in too much denial to commit to the latter. maybe they should just call this the Elantra GenX.

i’m not confused by the term. it’s what posers chant while they jerk off on each others’ Che t-shirts.

if you guys have finished, read this:
capitalism will fail, and resistance to automation just drags it out and increases the misery. i’m talking about ripping off the band-aid vs cowardice.

oh i agree with your second paragraph. i was being snide and callous, but i’d much rather abandon capitalism now than play this out. but that’s not how it’s going to go. so i’d rather plow through the late-stage than drag it out.

as for your first paragraph, i don’t think the designers are the problem. it’s usually sale

well, you’re wrong about almost everything you’ve typed. i’ve worked with my hands and my back all of my life. i believe in doing whatever one does well, but preserving drudgery for its own sake has the odor of fear and a commitment to capitalism. automation frees people in a just society, you and your self-righteous

and EVs, let’s not forget them.

autotempest digs through craigslist and ebay and a few other sites for you.

i said busy work isn’t rewarding. i’m sorry you’re not much of a reader.

links? autotempest search reveals zero 2009 spyders with less than 50k miles for sale in the US. zero.


tell me you’ve never used a drill press without saying you always lose at armwrestling. keep licking those boots.

ND, but I think it’s close. I’ve always wanted one of these with these specs. If the ac works and seller would take 11k I’d fly out there right now. Oh, the ad is already deleted. I bet it sold a week ago.

if a job can be automated, it should be automated. keeping jobs around for the sake of keeping jobs around is called busy work. it’s not rewarding and all it does is drag out the late-stage. let’s just keep this moving.

136hp is a clear signal that they only want to sell this vehicle to little old ladies. message received and understood. good luck, Buick.