
that’s a really good point. i wouldn’t even have a problem if Waymo cut some special deal that meant they get a discount on their towing and storage fees and leeway on tickets as long as there was a plan in place to quickly get their crap out of the road.

the outrage isn’t about the towing. it’s about the tow yard claiming the vehicles were abandoned and selling them, in violation of a law meant to protect military members.

and adding salt. for flavor.

I think the entire point of this article is that you don’t have to buy an EV from Musk anymore. It’s entirely possible to hate him and transition to sustainable energy. Where’s the hypocrisy, exactly?

some people have different priorities than you. it’s a dumb fucking mindset to confuse that with having a dumb fucking mindset.

except that the size of the pie is never the relevant aspect, because pie is only used as a metaphor to illustrate percentages. in this case, market share. It’s true that Musk’s stated goal for Tesla was never a monopoly, but no company wants to lose market share. Your second paragraph can be represented by a pie

you’re a stupid and terrible person. you don’t need me to tell you that, i’m just saying i agree with everyone that’s ever met you.

they aren’t assumptions, twice you went to fellatio-based insults. clearly you’re a self-hating closet case or you hate gay people. and i already made my arguments, you’re full of shit and don’t know what you’re talking about and you resorted to gay-bashing like a 12 year old from 1987. don’t project your sad nonsense

yah it’s not practical i had off-white leather seats and they got blued from my jeans within a year, i wouldn’t do that again. 

that blue is hot. i dig the gold, those seats just don’t work with it.

i bet you misunderstand things a lot. i said the combination is ugly. i love the gold and want to see more of it. i’m probably going to buy a Hornet in Acapulco Gold. but black and white seats look terrible with it. 

Gold exterior. Black and white seats and interior. Someone at Acura has incredibly poor taste. That combination is terribly terribly ugly.

i love the z4m coupe, and have 0 use for one that’s been beat to shit. this is not track car pricing. NFD.

the engine was rated at 330hp. it would have had significantly less at the wheels.

that lying dick had to get the car to and from the track and practice. he was probably hooning it for the entire 3 days. i mean i would, if i was that kind of asshole.

i feel like you did more work on this story than the guy that got paid to do it.

i want to buy an Emira and save a picture of this thing to my phone to show people that call me a crazy dipshit for buying an Emira.

by LA do you mean Los Angeles or Louisiana?

look at the idiotic bigot laugh.

finally, CarPlay’s pedestrian killer app.