
how long would it take to burn itself out?

probably can’t add maintenance and repair standards and requirements retro-actively for contracts that were already signed? that’s usually why there’s a “starting now” thing.

Melanoma happened. 

I don’t like that element either. It looks like the doors were replaced with junkyard finds.

yes, he was. Bentley Continental GTs start at just over $200k and he was saying he expects this Genesis to cost somewhere between $200k and $300k. 

that Smith work is fucking ridiculous i love it. do you follow Mobeck on facebook? if i hadn’t lost that XJS in a divorce i’d be transferring funds to him monthly.

that list almost perfectly matches mine. i would dump money into that F-Type until the state tells me i’m too old to drive.

but also i’d like an XF S Sportbrake.

those astons were going for only like 40k 15 years ago. i missed that boat and fell right off the dock.

i owned aV12 XJS and i would pay you 20 bucks to show me how you’d fit 2 superchargers in there.

you’re the real journo today.

the very first word in my very first response was yeah. in English, that means i get your point.

the point is, you’re choosing larger cars and cars with less efficient manual transmissions as your examples because you tried to compare apples to oranges and can’t admit it. you’re embarrassing yourself.

nope. if you’re going to fuck yourself with jaguar ownership and want an XK, go for the XKR. and not in white. this is an 11 thousand dollar car.

i wonder if chrome will come back into fashion. it’s considered hack in all of the car communities that i’ve been tapped into. i’ve really only seen it used ironically for years and years. of course it could come back around into fashion. maybe the value of chrome pieces would go up? people selling Cragars online for

i think maybe the biggest issue here is the chrome platers don’t want to live in Nevada.

they were. during the late 70s and 80s and some of the 90s when emission standards meant old assed muscle was the only way working class Americans could drive fast. now though? old, unsafe and stinky. the cars and the owners.

i got one dismissed once that way. Prosecutor at the court in Houston even told me the cop was there to testify and if i didn’t plea No Contest i was going to have to pay the fine and it would go on my insurance etc. he was a really bad liar and i said i wanted to go ahead and go before the judge. it was risky but the

i kind of hate Musk. i definitely hate Muskiness. but i was shocked to hear that Tesla’s average profit on a single vehicle is almost $10k, i had no idea. that’s pretty amazing that Tesla was able to go from losing money on every vehicle it sold to making ~8x more per vehicle than Toyota. i mean, holy shit. it can’t

prices are not regulated in Texas, where i’ve lived most of my life. i didn’t think about how this crap state has its own grid and its own rules that no other state would or even could use. but regulated states can and do raise their rates. in CA where i live now they set the rate annually. electricity rates are not

yes, but also, companies like money and charge as much as they possibly can, only keeping prices low temporarily to gain market share. especially when it’s a product or service that people can’t function without.