
The new Impreza is hatchback only, is this a concept that they already dismissed?

because Cadillac is a luxury brand. They aren’t going to put out a Cimarron EV. The 5 seat models of the Y, X5 and Volvos aren’t included because they don’t meet the definiton SUV, same reason as the Lyriq.

oh man you win. i got a Mirage as a rental once. it was just undignified. i didn’t feel like i was driving in it, i felt like i was riding on it. like i didn’t give a shit about myself or my family. i never used that rental agency again.

the 200h was made for a niche: people whose last car was a Golf TDI but make a little more money now. in other words, middle class Angelinos love this car.

C) Even the best, fastest updates would still be at least a day out of date because of pending sales.

i don’t blame those customers. the last time i missed out on a 10% discount, i torched a Kohl’s.

i assume their experience on the inside is more important to them than your experience on the outside. now that i think about it, that’s always been the rich people’s thing.

i dunno. they ejected so late i was starting to think i missed it. maybe thought there was going to be a fireball? 

It’s entirely likely that Mazda decided not to dump a lot of money and time into giving the MX30 a better initial range because dropping in a wankel range extender was the plan all along.

The Jag’s cabin is probably much better insulated than the Bolt. Especially if the Jag has that double pane glass with vacuum between to reduce noise. Seems like that would keep heat or cold in the cabin better, like a thermos.

i agree 100%. a Cadillac shouldn’t qualify for a tax payer-subsidized discount. get the fuck out of here with that bullshit GM. do what you’ve always done and make a plainer Chevrolet version that qualifies and stop crying.

i don’t think those standards are antiquated or unreasonable. i agree that if an EV doesn’t have a third row, isn’t RWD or AWD, and doesn’t touch 3 tons with all of its batteries, it shouldn’t be called an SUV. i think it would be good to make ground clearance a factor and require 3 out of 4 of those qualifiers

that vertical grill is kind of awful. but NP on this weirdo.

good eye. 

ok yah that’s a cute little guy. how does the hardwiring look and what type of store did you get it done by?

i believe this is the case with the two features that are subscription only. sort of. drive recorders and traffic cameras are going to upload video and data for storage somewhere, there are associated ongoing costs. the only other options i’m aware of are aftermarket and ugly, but unquestionably cheaper than 39 bucks

ah yes. the heel/toe clutch.

good luck. it’s so hard to convince a happy Prius owner to make a change. i gave up, there’s just no reason good enough.

yeah there’s no way the suicide doors will stay. in practice they are kind of a pain in the ass. they look cool in concept vehicles and make it really easy to see the interior.

i think everyone hates the color, but it’s like 4th on the list of hates.