
or Ford just stole the property, like they did with intermittent windshield wiping.

He understands that. There’s a template for recall letters. His issue is he doesn’t want to pay the expense of mailing letters out.

2nd Gear: I think it’s good that there is an expense related to recalls. I think Musk does too much beta testing as it is. 

I don’t know about thousands of miles of maps. It was limited to Orlando. It was basically a machine that could tell you how to get from your hotel to Disneyworld. Still magical though.

I agree but I also think it’s simpler than that. Track times are quantitative. At the end you get a hard number and if your number is lower you can say your product is better and point to that number. Other factors like steering feel or whatever are qualitative, and just a matter of opinion.

ok. that adds 37-60 hp and makes a lot more sense than just putting a cold air intake on the thing. absolutely NP.

Cannonball Run II has my vote.

I have a question about this Crown, Jose. I’ve found the press on the Hybrid MAX a little confusing. Some articles say that it’s a plug-in system. Some say that Toyota plans to bring a PHEV version to the states later. Is the Crown Hyprid MAX a PHEV?

as a 49 year old genx with a bad back i agree with everything you said. except the last two sentences. i can’t speak for my generation really, but those people that drive slowly for mpg can’t either. I don’t know anyone in my age group that still tries to hypermile or cares about mpg after the purchase is made. now

I like having fewer lights in the cabin at night, and I don’t consider the degree setting of the climate control crucial information. I’d prefer a clicky knob that isn’t illuminated. Or maybe only lights up when touched or spun. 

even with older kids the Element wasn’t super great. at least until they figured out that they had to close the suicide door first.

The Wrangler is the only one of those that would be cross-shopped with an FJ Cruiser. And now the Bronco. Those are the only two options I can think of for 2 door hatchbacks with utility. I like the Z and Supra but I wouldn’t call them hatchbacks, really.

I wished it got better mpg but i would have settled for just a larger gas tank. the mileage was bad for a Honda but not terrible considering its shape.

eh. I thought the Yugoslavian history was interesting, I didn’t know that the design and manufacturing was scattered all over the country to try to get the different provinces to work towards a common goal. I remember the previous Yugo articles on the site, there is some overlap but there was new info here that I

yessssss. i am glad that my fob has a key buried inside it for emergencies but i’ll be god damned to hell if i’ll ever again buy a car without keyless entry.

FJ Cruiser is cool but I wouldn’t use it to haul parts. The plastics inside are easier to scratch than my ass.

At an LAX parking garage I just saw an AWD Astro Van set up for overlanding or whatever the homeless-but-employed Angelinos are calling it these days. It had a modest lift and large but not stupid wheels and tires on it. It looked wayyyy better than an Astro Van has ever looked.

2nd Gear: I don’t really understand Geely’s play here. I can understand why they would want to be China’s FMC, but do they have to buy Volvo and Aston Martin to do it? Seems like the wrong Ford era to emulate.

When I think about the reasons conservatives gave for being skeptical of and hostile to EVs, I wonder if they still are. Now that Musk has shifted the tone of his tweets and buying a Tesla IS owning the libs, maybe they will buy them now?

no shit, sherlock.