
i did CPO on my current vehicle after buying new a couple of times. i got 0.9%, which was BY FAR the lowest rate i’d ever seen on a used car. but i have never seen 30% off MSRP on a CPO, and i don’t believe you have either.

it’s not though. Ford doesn’t offer 0% on its 84 month loans anymore. the article is poorly written in that respect. it stopped offering 0% a few months ago. anyone that pulls an 84 month loan from Ford now is paying interest, no matter what their credit score is.

jalopnik isn’t a hive mind. it’s a bunch of individual people commenting. 

Grand Wagoneer. Grand Wagoneeeeeeeer. Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Wagoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.

well, for transport he replaced all the fluids with helium and replaced the air in the tires with also helium.

not for nothing, Lawrence, but i think you should have been clearer that Ford no longer even offers 0% interest on its 84 month loans.

financial advisors are salespeople, for sure. but generally, honest ones will only tell you to pay off debts ASAP if you are paying more in interest than you can maybe possibly make by instead buying whatever nonsense they are getting spiffs for that quarter.

financial advisors hate shit like peace of mind. they hate that you get to pin your own value on it, because you can fuck the numbers in their sales pitches any old time you want. that’s why jalops argue about how it’s better to drive an endless series of 14 year old Camrys your entire life than buy yourself a brand

heads up, my company issued corporate amex a few years ago so they could steal my cashback and points.

probably because it’s the best tool out there for insurance agents, apartment managers and employers. there might be money to be made building FICO-ish algorithms that are tweaked for those specific applications. 

the goal isn’t to report responsible use of credit. the goal is to identify borrowers that are most likely to take on debt AND pay interest to the lender on time. 

if i was a bank manager i’d rip my loan officers new ones for telling you something i told them in confidence. WE ARE THE WINNERS JERRY. I WAS TALKING ABOUT US.

your FICO score isn’t just your credit history. so, two things. first, the algorithm is set up to detect deviations in your behavior and assumes they are a reflection of changes in your financial stability. so if your balances jump, the algorithm sees that you’re going through some shit right now, and your score dips

yeah i had to do way too much digging to find out that Ford offered 0% for 84 months around a year and a half ago for about half of their vehicles. then they only offered it on the F150. which i guess if i was going to gamble on an 84 month loan that’s the Ford i’d pick. but then they ditched the 0% altogether a

my commute is stop and go. i rarely get above 40mph and getting a big enough gap for acceleration joy is even rarer. 

i agree. but the financing term is decided after the vehicle is chosen. every time there is an article about financing a vehicle, 70% of the comments are about just never buying a new car in the first place and telling other people whose lives they don’t live how they should spend their money. it’s an excuse to

oh bullshit. if it’s at 0%, the longer the term the better. i’d take out a 30 year car note at 0% if i could and there is no reason not to.

moderate portfolios don’t beat the market at 7.5% 84 months in a row, and your tax estimate is pretty far off. my federal long term capital gains tax rate is 20%, with another 9.3% going to the state of California. but it’s always better to pay 0% on a loan than to pay interest, no matter what you do with the

from what i’ve read, Ford stopped offering 0% on their 84 month loans months ago. This article is about how Ford dropped its minimum credit score requirement on their 84 month loans, which do charge interest.

yes. and jalops love to decide what other people Need or Don’t Need. as if Want isn’t and shouldn’t be a factor. grim, joyless misers patting themselves on the back for never buying a new car and shitting on anyone that does.