
my sense is that souls still don’t really want a hybrid powertrain. what they want is better than 22mpg. they are only calling for a hybrid powertrain now because the mpg on this gas-only model is shockingly bad.

you can also adjust the volume with a physical rocker on the steering wheel. of course i prefer a knob too, but it’s not as bad as it sounds.

the fuck are those other 12% then?

and it’s good to have solid numbers to back up my anecdotal experience with Spirit. i get cancelations and delays on other airlines, but i have almost always been able to get a later flight. i’d really like to see stats on how many Spirit passengers get boned until the next day vs still flying out that day.

i have sympathy for people that fly Spirit once and then never fly it again. it’s shockingly bad. i was shocked at how bad it was. now i know the deal. it’s a pretty good example of the fool me once thing.

yeah i guess taking frontier is better than taking a covered wagon. i don’t think that’s relevant to very many people, and i don’t think it should be.

or just make the rocket front wheel drive so you can put the door below the fuel tank.

seems like it would be better to keep that HLS thing on the moon in case Matt Damond needs parts or shelter or something.

but when will i be able to buy an integracross?

just my greasy, greasy fingerprints.

or they could just break the window. i mean, it’s about hardening the target a little, it’s not meant to be an enigma machine.

i am the opposite, but i still said holy shit.

holy shit that’s beautiful.

i wish it was more squared and wedge-y in the front. this one looks like a giant put his thumb on the hood and pressed down super hard.

Spirit Airlines: We know it was only second degree murder, because if you had planned any of this out you wouldn’t be flying with us.

it wouldn’t surprise me if GM never goes back and deletes it.


there is nothing timeless about that style.

it’s in the ashtray of that MGB
