
sure you can. all you have to do is take your FWD vehicle and move all of the weight above and in front of the drive wheels. 

no argument from me on that. that’s why i added “to me” to my post.

at the risk of jalopnik turning this thread into a slideshow, i tried to think of what i’d pick if i could only change one thing. i think i’d get rid of those black pod shapes on the ends of the bumper. i hate them on the base civic hatchback, too.

i agree with this ratio. i think it’s an ND but not by much. if it was priced at $9,999 i would have voted NP.

yah and i think you’re also supposed to remove the windshield wiper arms to get to that box?

i don’t know anyone that drives an Elantra AND wants to draw attention to it.

i disagree. this looks bad to me.

except the quoted text doesn’t claim that the virtual noise is more realistic than actual reality. it’s claiming that this virtual noise system is more realistic than other virtual noise systems. reading comprehension IS hard.

i kind of care about what HD is trying to do to survive. i admit it’s morbid curiosity, but i’m interested. 

i think they meant non-”turbo 6,” not “non-turbo” 6. i couldn’t think of a better way to type that.

this is my favorite plot twist.

nothing makes you feel more like a man than a thundercougarfalconbird.

i, too, hate mushrooms.

also they had CVT quality issues for long enough to scare the shit out of the target audience.

you might know, but not everyone does. i didn’t know until today. nobody i know ever talks about camaros at all.

i think they meant sales are a fraction of those other models’ sales.

there are a few of them out there. 

maybe that works for some people but for work i need to run the stove 76 hours a day. this will be a failure until these electric ranges have enough range for me, the average Joe.

i don’t think it’s meh. it’s not a world beater, but it’s not meh. how can anything that makes me say “holy shit, a Suzuki” when i see one really be meh?

aww but don’t be sad.