
hot damn you guys cracked it.

you aren’t overpaying, you’re just paying early. here’s a simpler version: your payment is $200 a month and you have 2 months left and you owe $300 on the car. instead of making a payment of $200 and then a month later a payment of $100, they bundle the last two payments together and you pay the $300 on the second to

i understand not wanting to pay to process that last payment if it’s small. but if they were going to nickel and dime me like that i want credit for that last 30 days of interest.

my 88 Grand Wagoneer with 40% original and 60% aftermarket wiring is blowing a 40 amp fuse when i start it. i hope it just needs a new starter relay, which i have in my garage and could install in about 20 minutes. i’m putting it off because if it’s not the starter relay, i might just scrap the damned truck.

i can’t wait to both rent and own my vehicle. that sounds great.

i’m with you. i will never, ever reward this shit.

my gut tells me it was a a guy that also sells guns.

that is a lot of horsepower for the time. also, i’m super glad this car exists in this condition. also, no dice.

ooooooh shit. does this mean there’s a chance i can repair my crummy 90 jaguar xjs fiber optic interior lights with this chrysler bullshit? is there a chance they used the same connectors on the fiber optic leads?

you’re right. the difference is, lots of people lost their virginities in ‘50s chevy sedans. almost nobody lost their virginity in ‘94 chrysler sedans. so no dice.

what, you think the driver should have been all THIS RV IS SLOW, I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FAST SOMETHING IS WRONG.

no, he’s already paid them off.

sure seems like the commenters are working harder than they should this week.

after reading all this, obviously the only question i have is what the fuck is a Lincoln Corsair.

yeah but. the idea is to make the product as good as possible at the price point. it sure sounds to me like Ford wasn’t willing to put bigger hardware in the Bronco Sport and the engineers worked with what they’ve got. i don’t believe for one moment that using the dinky parts was Khan’s call.

well then we’d just be sending empty boats back. we need to crush the boats, too.

is there some safety or practical reason the armrests on the captains chairs are so short? all this spaceship talk makes me want arms long enough for my hands and fingers. like the chair in star trek. those stubby things aren’t cutting it.

i wouldn’t buy this one, but i would buy a Lada just so i could have a license plate that said LADEEDA

holy shit@fiat-based model being better.

don’t be sad Apple, you have lots of friends. maybe they are planning a surprise party!