
indeed. places like Grand Cayman are utterly dependent on cruise ship excursions. i hope they haven’t forgotten how to catch fish.

bless your heart. i find happiness in many things, cars are just one of them. and yes, i can afford what i want and live how i want. that includes investing my savings. i don’t need your pity or your advice. you’re irrelevant to me.

it was just teasing you. sorry, i didn’t know you are so brittle.

the purpose of GAP is to pay the difference. the GAP that Mazda sells covers up to 125% of the msrp, which is meant to cover even a rollover from a previous loan.

they will try to charge 1000 for it. i negotiated it down to 400 on the car i bought 2 years ago. kia wouldn’t go below 700 though. definitely cheaper through your own car insurance company, but make sure the terms are identical.

plus also US taxpayers get to pay more than market price to US producers for the oil that the government is buying now to replenish the national reserve, because corruption.

we get it. your definition of insanely wealthy is different from the average poor’s definition of insanely wealthy. well lahhhh deeee dahhhhh i hope the thick air way down here around us doesn’t hurt your fancy lungs oooooh la laaaaaaaa.

i hope the industry i hate dies and the employees get other jobs that don’t support some other industry that i hate.

yeah i thought that was a gun from Borderlands.

i’d allow Juke. but i can’t forgive Kicks. i don’t even know what it looks like. that’s the worst Fellow Kids name i’ve ever seen.

i think Bob meant right next to Rona patients.


i mean, i guess you could argue that social distancing would have to end for people to go back to work anyway, but it will be a hard sell for yearrrrrrrrrrs.

unless you don’t have a clunker to trade in. then buy all the cars.

take that big picture bullshit out of here. don’t you know we are making decisions in a panicked reactive endgame?

except that when buyers haggle they are starting from a price that already includes money for all of the middlemen between the manufacturer and the driver and are trying to work back towards the price the manufacturer charges. 

meanwhile, on the sister site:

thanks. but i think i’m going to wait for the next plague. they aren’t offering 0% on the C8.

I agree that someone living off of pennies shouldn’t buy a new corvette. 

It’s not a lot of dough for everyone, and not everyone’s priorities dictate a single vehicle. 

Good for you and your grim, cheerless life. I guess now you can get that dream car you denied yourself, if your knees and hips can take the strain. Your priorities and financial limitations are your own.