
It would be nice if the league could step in and, say, suspend/fine the “Me Me Me!” umpires in the league when they go off on their short fuse tangents, in the same way players are.... but that’s just silly talk, I guess. Everyone knows we’re there to see the umpires umpire, and the rest is just shit that’s in the way.

“Don’t talk to Deadspin”

It could’ve been worse:

“Sadly, the Shuttle Program would turn out to be more of a very expensive anchor that would keep mankind stuck in orbit for decades than a economical space plane that could facilitate exploration beyond earth’s orbit.” Incorrect. You need to research the unclassified Shuttle program accomplishments. No need to even up

When was Martin Lawrence a basketball player on the Portland Trailblazers?

“Cristiano, I want to apologize for my agent’s statements. The truth is I hate you with the blazing heat of a Toledo summer. With the nuclear fire of the core of the Sun. There is truly no word in English, Spanish, Catalan, or Basque that truly captures the level of my hatred of you. My agent misrepresented that, and

I’m pro-Facts...not pro-phony self-righteousness

Ohh yea, of course they were doing it in Brooklyn before it was cool.


I like how the only time many sports fans give a fuck about sexual assault is when they can reference it in order to heckle a player on an opposing team.

Whenever we finally grow up enough to realize we don’t need polished facsimiles of people in suits saying stupid shit to get elected and start to actually elect people for what they have done, not what they promise or who they haven’t slept with, insulted, or what number wife they are on, the better.

And somewhere, Alex Gonzalez sighs heavily, thanking, again, his own personal god...


Take that Brian McCann you fat fuck.

Even the Mexican fans showed more fight than Klinsmann’s USMNT.

It’s gonna suck when Steve Bartman sneaks up there and steals the ball before Game 6 of the NLCS.

why does your 7 month old need to watch episodes of anything??? You have given in far too early.


Well now I done have seen a lot of good things in this life the Good Lord has blessed us with. Why there’s been men way up to the moon, and the polio vaccine, there’s been the wireless and radios and teevees and now computers that slide right into your pocket, Amen!