
I’ve been to St. Louis. It’s not “Blind hate.”

jesus christ...every fucking day with the outrage over the outage over bat flips.

To be fair, this isn’t some meaningless game here, in which case I doubt Molitor would have cared. The Twins are vying for a WC spot and this game mattered to them. Pelfrey putting up a shitty start was bad enough; the HR further twisting the knife and the Ramirez doing something he knows players don’t like (the

You guys are such fucking tools. 10-1 game. He held his follow through for 2 fucking minutes and went all mvp juice Brett Boone. Fuck that guy. Hes a fucking nobody on a garbage team. He deserves to get drilled and he’s lucky he didn’t get his teammate drilled. But the entitled petulant children that write and comment

Ramirez didn’t simply “admire his home run”—is bat flip was a douchebag move (especially with the score 10-1) and Molitor is spot on telling him to fuck off. As for tomorrow’s game, Twins pitchers have more important shit to deal with than drilling dickhead Ramirez—the Twins are looking for a wild card spot, the

This wedding shit is getting out of hand. The universe does not revolve around 1) you or 2) your wedding budget or 3) your gift registry. It’s a party you chose to throw, people are not legally bound to show up (even when they said they would). Weddings are becoming the outlet of choice for asshole behavior nowadays.

I see this is your first post. Should probably be your last.

Nothing so classy as assaulting someone.

Are you aware of these things called weight classes?

(Lee Jury and Lee Executioner were not cited in the column.)


lol for sure, man, for sure.

Let me just counter with this as a perfectly stable Bears fan:

I’m guessing a lot of guys feel the same way (about your girlfriend).

The good news is that he passed his Texas Tech entrance exam with flying colors.

“What a shame,” says Mike Krzyzewski as he feasts on the innards of a virgin redhead and applies shoe polish to his hair.

The story is obviously fake. The Browns don’t even have 3 NFL starters on offense.


“Challenge accepted”

Andy Reid is glad this is finally over so he can start focusing on other, much more positive steaks.