If only every player had a gun on the field, it would be much safer.
If only every player had a gun on the field, it would be much safer.
Geez, enough about Ed Hochuli already.
Why does Cam Newton always look like a Madden video game character in game photos?
Greatest regular season quarterback*
I hate the concept of filial duty as an universal truth, because it assumes that all parents love their kids and at least try to do what’s best for them, so there is no possible circumstance where you’d ever be justified in not loving them.
I assume the filial duty reason goes out the door when the hypothetical girlfriend becomes a hypothetical wife?
“There were elements of provocation”
Bey would’ve bought the whole section. All hail Queen Bey.
Roger Goodell also took away the Nat’s 2016 first round draft pick.
His role in the incident? It looks to me like his sole role was having an easily accessible neck.
You’d think Cromartie would understand that when it comes to children, people make mistakes.
You know Papelbon is the classy one, since he’s got a wedding ring tattoo.
Remember when Mel Kiper scolded every football team for not drafting Clausen because he was his #2 draft prospect and it had NOTHING to do with them having the same agent?
Big deal, Barry. It takes twice as many people to undress Eli.
Are you having a stroke?
West: (stares)
It takes a very special sort of douchebag to make Bryce Harper look like a decent human being.
They are who we expected them to be.
It shoulda been you, Angel Hernandez.