
Again, is there anything that provides less value for the dollar than attending an NFL game live?

Any word on the number of cases this board sees, and what percentage are found to display excessive force? And what percentage of those are caught on camera? And what percentage of those involve relatively famous athletes?

100% Pro-Life! / 100% Pro-Gun!

His livelihood depends much more on KD than the other way around.

You’re crazy. Absolutely no way Floyd shows up at the right house, as that would require reading the house numbers.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In my opinion I&#39;m NOT THREATENING <a href="https://twitter.com/KDTrey5">@KDTrey5</a>. I&#39;m only stating facts!</p>&mdash; Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) <a href="https://twitter.com/stephenasmith/…">October 5, 2015</a></blockquote>

Peeple- for when the entire internet isn’t judgmental and abusive enough for you.

The timing of the ball flying up out of screen and him falling is impeccable.

Yeah, what a loser hitting singles.

“... but first make way for old man LeBron, here...”

Their turf looks like velour.

11. A lukewarm joke over-extending itself and lasting about 400 characters too long.

Wait, they literally have a guy named “Fales” as their 3rd string QB? You can’t make that shit up.

Money quote:

God, that expression in the image posted with this article... just oozes doucheitude.

The crazy thing is, there was extensive talk earlier this season and last about how he NEEDED TO TAKE IT EASIER ON THE FIELD IN ORDER TO AVOID INJURIES. Now this.

That picture is priceless.

Then it becomes a game of “Did he actually get touched?”

This guy is just a Grade A piece of shit.