
Ted Cruz advocates for wealth redistribution. News at 11...

Godammit Bobby. Now my keyboard is a mess.

I mean, it’s alright to acknowledge the truth of your statement and still admire people who voice sentiments similar to Noah’s, right?

shh bby is ok

I think he saw this video and had a case of the vapors.


Easy, Jose.

I think it’s probably somewhere in the area of five percent


This just in: he didn’t lose his job.

Alternate title: “Kevin Johnson assaults Air Force veteran, then encourages destruction of evidence.”

In completely unrelated news, I’m voting for Donald Trump because I think Congress is full of self-interested, incompetent, and corrupt politicians.

What Would Jesus Throw

You might be waiting for a while...

I knew this was coming the second I saw that question in the Isaac Lee Q&A yesterday.

In light of the flickering flame that is Gawker.com being extinguished over the weekend, can we get a Deadspin Staff Chat going?

:( Back to square one.

Too late, we win.

Drew, your thoughts on the Gawker news? I’ll take your answer off the air.

I hope that it reaults in enough lasting damage to these companies so that they are unable to provide state level private prisons as well.