If they cultivate it
If they cultivate it
Few things in my professional life have bothered me more than this situation.
The Cardinals ex-manager lost his 1st argument
A ton of rebounds could also mean you or your opponent (or both of you) are missing more shots than normal... which would tell you more about scoring efficiency than anything.
Getting a footbaw-obsessed group of mouth-breathing evangelical hypocrites to actually support the women who pay them tuition won’t happen
overnightat all.
they’re planning the world’s largest milk toast in conjunction with the 100th running of the Indy 500.
P. Diddy/Daddy: Cambodian breast milk
Wait, I thought we already had footage of this:
Did He really do it right in front of you?
or Guy Firei and his Donkey Sauce?
I wouldn’t know, I’ve never listened.
Cute moccasins, Pocahontas.
Roger Goodell has suspended him four games.
Considering how they got the team, OKC should not complain to the league about anything, ever.
So those other 4 teams he played on since he was on the Twins...?
Except the cornfields that this kid found, per the experts. The ones in the pictures up there.
Sometimes you aren’t the person who obtained it.
Cats are literally the worst.
Some people need to be told not to have pets. Sadly, that same group is likely to be the least receptive to that message.