
It's the one Cersei forced Sansa to write to Robb in season one. He's definitely trying to stir a fight. Its a good play - very Littlefinger. With luck, the girls will have learned a thing or two as they've grown up and be able to see through it

Jon, Gendry and the Hound together in one scene. Arya Stark — this is your life!

I don't think so. She goes straight to Sansa about it, if the previews are anything to go by. My hope is that they're honest with each other. Littlefinger's plan hitches on them not talking to or trusting each other. Hopefully they have grown up and will cotton onto his motives.

When Jaime walks in, Qyburn is saying, "I could give you something…" And she replies, "No need." I knew she was pregnant right away from that. He was offering to help her miscarry.

"I saw you looking at her 'good heart'…Speaking of good hearts…"

Ok. But seriously. What is up with Davos and Missandei? I want to believe he's trying to foster positive relations between the two sides, but it was getting real Old Man Hits On Weirded Out Younger Woman up in there for a second.

Well, she got pregnant mid-season two, so the following 3.5 season have all been 35 weeks, according to Coady. So she would really just need a touch up lol. The timeline on this show is insane. Before that, I can imagine that Tomas kept up the bleach punishments while he was with her.

But if they treated it early, people wouldn't have to suffer all the skin on their bodies being sloughed off. Also, give them some milk of the poppy or other sedative to knock them out. At least try, damn! I would be a way better maestro than all of these dudes.

So to be clear: the maesters absolutely know how to cure greyscale, and have known for a while, they just don't want to do it because it's too dangerous? So instead of inventing the hazmat suit a few centuries early, they're just like, "Eff it, let 'em turn to stone"?

Yeah. I'm enjoying the fast pace of these episodes. May be in the minority, but it feels amazing to actually be moving along in the plot in major ways with each hour. But that being said, I think the story that D&D told - that there just wasn't enough story for two more 10 episode seasons - has pretty clearly proven

Yes. I know. We agree with you. I agree with you. The reviewer agrees with you. We all share the same opinion on this topic.

Bran wasn't like this at the end of season six. How long was that trek to the Wall - and what the heck happened during it?

I like that this comment is just angrily yelling agreement with what the reviewer said in the first place.

Every time Dany talked about not wanting to kill everyone in Kings Landing, I kind of wanted Olenna or someone to be like, "Not for nothing, but have you met the people in Kings Landing? Wouldn't be the greatest loss."

It has to be a Stark that takes Littlefinger down, and she's the only Stark who can actually get shit done.

Nicholaj Coster-Waldau KILLS IT in that armor. Good lord. If only he wasn't acting so pathetic with Cersei.

Tyrion is trying to out-strategize two psychopaths in Cersei and Euron who have zero regard for loss of human life. It made sense to try it his way, but Olenna was right. It's time for Dany to do her thing. Get on the back of that damn dragon, light up some Lannister soldiers, and put some fear into them.

For as cool as Olenna's last scene was, I so wish she had outed Littlefinger too before she died.

Margaery was going to be Queen anyway. She killed Joffrey to protect her granddaughter from his sadism.

"You're confused. These were both for me."