Ah Schucks, not to be outdone but Nancy “Walmart” Walton has a little boat too...
Ah Schucks, not to be outdone but Nancy “Walmart” Walton has a little boat too...
Servicing the Customer (Roughly, without benefit of lube OR a reach around)
I am was have had a OBD reader, which comes in handy during after a new engine swap. Their cheep, There handy to. It were the best money I will ever spend.
OK, all seriousness aside, I bought one after replacing the VG33E in my XTerra. JDM engines don’t always have the same sensors as the engine you pulled, and the read…
I am was have had a OBD reader, which comes in handy during after a new engine swap. Their cheep, There handy to. It…
I had a friend who had ZERO experience working on cars, I was helping him with an old FJ, and Every. Single. Time. I asked him to tighten something he’d snap the bolt off. I nicknamed him Conan. If he was still in Washington I would blame him.....
The BFG KO2's are dynamite in deep snow. AT’s are much better than Mud’s (which tend to get really stiff in the cold) The triple peak rated KO’s proved themselves capable the past two winters on my Xterra. I’ve also driven on Graspics, Blizzaks, and did the Alcan 5000 winter rally on a set of Goodyear studless.
“It’s unclear how they dump waste...”
Like any other truck driver, you pee in a Mellow Yellow bottle, toss it out the door.
I’ll be here all week
How was he NOT charged with Involuntary Manslaughter? Leaving the scene of a crime? Probably drunk. Didn’t want a homicide charge screwing up his life....
For the record:
WTF is with the eyebrows?
Ever driven in Montana? 85 mph is slow lane speed in Utah. Kansas? You’ll wish you could do 150 just to get out.
Well, isn’t that just perfect.....I only have one kidney left after selling the other one for a barn find Cobra....
This just happened in Washington State. Passenger side of the car and windshield is history. He hit 2 people on his way to work, claims he hit a garbage can, continued to work. After he gets off work, he pulls into gas station down the road from the scene of the crime, and two State Patrol see his car and arrest him.…
Glad you just found this, as I have my dads Vessel impact driver, which he had since I was a wee Stig, and now 40 years later, it still lives....
Yeah, but did you die? (I’m 100% with you.....BTW....Just being a dick)
Totally missed that one.....LOL
Rick Allen.....Get it?
LMAO......Well done!
Damn......LOL.....I was wondering the same.
I bought an 03 VR6 GTi when I blew the headgasket on my XTerra......Never have I smiled and giggled like a school girl before driving this evil sumbitch. Borla exhaust is the only mod, sounds like Thor gargling nails, easily revs to 6K, and stomps a mud hole in ANY hot hatch out there. And I’m a horribly immature 56…
I’ve renamed a local 35mph road “Memorial Speedway” because daily, some asshat is doing at least 60mph or better, dicing through traffic as if on a qualifying attempt......