Stigs Cousin

That had to be “Louder than Hell” and you’d have to “Kickstart my heart” after that landing

Weird he hit the windshield if he was wearing a seatbelt....It’s Florida, they don’t sweat head injuries....just ask Tua!

Youtube should ban him...
Youtube: This video just got 2 Million hits

Now playing

To Live and Die in LA.
Quantum of Solace.
6 Underground. Mayhem. Fast Cars. Gunshot Wounds. Humor delivered by Ryan Reynolds.

Before I even clicked on the story I said “Any Corvette made after 2000"

I used to belong to NSRA which at the time was pre-1948. A lot of cool hotrods from the beginning of hotrods. Then they changed it, as did Goodguys, and it took the fun out of it. The kneejerk was to initially include up to 1978 and now its

You didn’t include “Heaven Forbid” LOL.....

It does NOT look like he stuck the landing, and that will be reflected in the score.

It’ll be just fine as long as Shelly Winters is there to swim you out....

He said he “I asked a person at MIT, what would happen if the electric boat sank, and it’s now underwater, and it’s got this tremendously large battery, and there’s a shark ten yards away, and by the way, there’s been a lot of shark attacks lately, and my friend at MIT, very smart man, said he’d never been asked that

See if they can still hire Thatcher Trucking Company* to help “clean up” this mess.
(*Thatcher Trucking rolled a tanker into the John Day River in Oregon, in 1990, dumping 33,000 lbs of hydrochloric Acid.....resulting in the death of 98,000+ fish)

I was listening to a news story the other day where DJT was again ranting about how rife with fraud mail in ballots are (I’m from Washington, been doing it since 1983, and permanently since 2011 Statewide) and the GOP faithful lap it up and repeat the falsehood ad nauseum. This is a blessing, because these morons

Would’t it just be cheaper to get rid of that traitor?

“If you drove it like Grandma.....” downhill, with a tail wind, on fire.....16mpg.

She officially entered the “Find Out” phase

Yet Andretti/Cadillac doesn’t bring any value to F1.....Go figure

How many times did he roll on the ground? Like 6? I’m hit? I’m just surprised he didn’t unload every round he had on him, like the two cops emptying the 3 mags in Texas.

Acura Suite? I had to sleep under a car hauler in a wet sleeping bag after walking 40,000 steps and drinking an 18 pack of Rolling Rock before the green flag.....

AKA: Sea of Herpes

How about a movie about the grand-dad of all American racing.....Board track....aka Murderdrome. Top racers could make $20,000 per year racing the board tracks, nearly a half-million dollars in today’s currency. More spectators were killed than racers in both motorcycle and car racing, as the crowds were separated